Instead of choosing characters, choose players.
In a way that is really hurtful, Storium excels at making narrators cherry-pick characters rather than engaging players to get to know each other. Why not create characters collaboratively, discuss what would work best, as a group. As a regular player of both Storium, storytelling and character-driven roleplay, I feel the way to make the tightest group with characters that work well together is to make the players get to know each other and discuss things among each other.
Why not?
With the Open Lobby narrators are now able to start a discussion with interested players and curate a group before going anywhere near the character-picking stage. Once they are happy with their group they can then send invitations to allow them to create characters and begin a game together.
Adminehardee (Admin, Storium) commented
Hi alma.ottedag - what sort of change to the system are you thinking of? Narrators are able to put games on the 'Looking for Players' list without opening character applications and the forums also encourage people to post in order to find groups to play with, but if you have other ideas for ways to encourage groups they would be helpful to hear more about.
alma.ottedag commented
Although that's possible, it is not mechanically encouraged enough in my opinion. Right now, people find a game, make a character, and then the narrator chooses between the characters. Why is this canon?