add an off-topic or multiple non-Storium-related topics to forums.
I have found that in many cases, I have come to like people on this site who I have played with or chatted with elsewhere for far more than just their writing abilities. However, the forums only have options to talk about things directly related to games and gameplay.
I heard kai say that things would be better if we could talk to each other without always talking about Storium directly.
Therefore, I suggest you have either an "off-topic" or multiple non-Storium-related categories on the forums. This would allow the forums to serve as a place where Storium users could get to know each other as people in addition to as Storium players, and that personal touch could foster a stronger community and perhaps make the forums both used more and also hold more pople in the community when they come here.

Pagancelt commented
Head over to the Forums and sign up for the Slack Chat! There's a lively Storium Community and we chat about all sorts of topics!