have the Narrator tutorial talk at least a little bit about planning a game.
For people new to Storium, I think one has to go and find a blog post in order to get advice on some fundamentals on how one goes about planning a game. Sure, the tutorial is great at showing some of the basics on how the cards work, but I think what is needed is to help newbies start thinking about how to set up a game from a story perspective. In other words, how to think about a game from the Narrator's perspective, what needs to be prepared in advance, and what should organically arise during play. Even though I've played more than a few games, I'm still a little confused about how this should work in Storium. I have also been recently influenced by playing lots of less traditional ttrpgs, such as Powered by the Apocalypse games, which emphasize collaborative storytelling, and I think Storium has a lot in common with these types of games, but also lots in common with "traditional" roleplaying, where the GM essentially scripts everything in advance. I think Storium could really be more powerful if it leaned more heavily on the former rather than the latter.