It would be nice if you could have a Watchlist link below games that you might want to add either to a readlist or watchlist (which is games that interest you to possibly joining). There could be two link or check boxes for each. On the main page these links will be grayed out but visible to show you have already put it the list.
The list page can be filtered for either or both. You can remove stories from the lists. And hoping you have a more in depth filter where you can combine filters such as ratings, recent activity, genre would help if one has a long list. Singular filters aren't very robust.
This would be handy when browsing and you find a story that seems interesting but perhaps want to see how it develops before diving in, or you want to compile a list and then revise that list and choice the best of the bunch. Some people only want to be playing 1 or 2 stories at a time, but might have others on their watch list