Link story elements
Within a world, various groups of story elements should be able to be linked, and excluded from those not linked. In other words, a character, or a type of character, should have options available that are not available to any other. Consider an IP that was developed outside of Storium. A writer creates a book series, and wants to then create a Storium world built upon it. Certain characters could be played from the series, and to match their character development in the book series, would have the option of certain Strengths over the course of playing the story of the first book. These Strengths are particular to this character, and it would be inconceivable to give to any other character. Another book may allow certain Strengths to a group of characters, but not anyone else, for a variety of reasons, for example, these are only available to members of a certain race, or organization, or are options granted only to those touched by the gods in a certain locale on a particular day. Similar conditions can apply to options related to the category of Weaknesses, Assets, Subplots, Goals, and perhaps even Natures.