Change the email subject lines
I read these emails on my smartphone and the story being the last thing is kind of a pain, since they get cut off.
I'd say a format more like:
[Storium] STORY_NAME: blurb-about-what happened.
For example:
[Storium] Moose Habitat: New comments.
[Storium] Moose Habitat: So and So moved.
[Storium] Moose Habitat: Narrator ended the scene.
At the very least remove some unnecessary words in "ended the current scene in".. that alone is so long it runs off and I can't see which game I'm playing has ended a scene.
Minor inconvenience, but worth looking into.

Elfwreck commented
I'd like this too. I don't know if I'd want this specific format, but the email notifications should be at least consistent with the site, which lists character names and then player names in parentheses. Right now, the emails are exactly opposite of that.
I could also see the value with all notifications from a single game having the same subject line so they stack in email programs-- "[Storium] Moose Habitat: Something happened!"
Listing the game first would be good, and following it with *what* rather than *who* would be great. I need to know what game has new content, and whether that was a move or a comment or something else, before I need to know who said something.