New Player Engagement
In my experience, new player engagement has been awfully difficult, My relatively short Storium career has gone. Join site. Browse for game. Look for beginner game. No beginner games accepting new players. Look for regular game. No regular games accepting new players. Check Looking for Group forum. New game starting that needs players. Create character. Character Rejected. ...Are we having fun yet??
There has to be an easier way to get a game going, am I missing something?

Sorry for the trouble you’ve had getting into a game! We’re going to recruit more Mentors soon to run more beginner games. But truly, the best way to get playing is to bring your friends to Storium. You can start a game and invite friends via Facebook or via email. Once they’ve joined-up you can use the Green Room to decide what you want to play, and you can hand-off the host and narrator roles to someone else, if you want!
Anonymous commented
Keep trying, I would say. Sometimes things are pretty quiet on the new games front, and often times community is helpful, because people do tend to build up a sect of players they trust. You tend to run into familiar faces quite bit. Once you get your foot stuck in the door, things will hopefully work themselves out :)
Felicity Allison Chevalier commented
thank you kindly for the response, would love to throw my name in the hat as a mentor.
AdminStephen Hood (Co-founder, Storium) commented
@Rraindrop: That's in fact what we are already doing! People who volunteer to run games for beginners are called "Mentors" and they receive free membership, among other perks. We'll be recruiting for more Mentors soon!
Rraindrop commented
Give free membership to good narrators willing to start a beginner game <3