Allow a narrator to call a vote
Just a simple poll would do. I could see this being particularly useful during early game formation for things like polling opinions on whether a game should be private or public.
Currently external tools can be used but it would be nice have in-game.
A nice additional feature would be to be able to set a poll as anonymous, anonymous-to-players or public.

Bajorque commented
I fully agree. An integrated poll would be so useful. Players' feedback are really important during the narration. There is always the possibility to ask through the commentary but if they are a lot of comments, then it get lost and some players forget to answer and then you have to search for their answer in the text. Not easy. Players should also be able to call for a vote for any out of character questions. I think in the meantime, i will start using external tools.
djmgames commented
This is a great idea, and it is badly needed! There are times in the story when the narrator needs the players to make a decision. Do you want to investigate this, or that? Will you take the door to the left or the doorway to the right?
Right now it's extremely clunky getting people to make a choice, and this suggestion would help a ton.