Separate game description from character requirements
Right now, narrators have to use the game description box not only to describe the world, but also to tell players what kinds of characters to make, what tone the game will have, and any additional notes (like, "keep it in 3rd person" or "no swearing" or "will only update on weeknight evenings"). There should be a separate place for meta-notes about the game--or at least a cut tag, so that a long description with character details doesn't require scrolling past a screen and a half of text.
Sean Riley commented
Yeah, there really needs to be an 'in character' flavour pitch and an out of character 'nuts and bolts' section.
Fade commented
I would very much like this! I want a flavorful "What this campaign is about blurb" that shows up on searches, but I also want to be able to put OOC notes about chargen and tone and so forth separately right where players can see it easily when they're actually signing up.