Personal Character Library for Players
While we get an email with a character copy when a Narrator closes a game, if you quit a game, or if you're removed, you lose your character for good.
And that is particularly annoying\sad especially on characters with complex and custom cards. I would like to know if it would be possible to:
a) Allow players to keep copies of all of their characters in their account, no matter what the status of the story (active, inactive, etc).
b) Have the possibility to "reapply" a character, by submitting it to another story.
So, b) would be possible by adding a "Import character" function or somesuch during character creation for a story.
Anonymous commented
This might be easier to implement over people making characters apart from a game and 'attaching' them to a game. I can see this 'flagging' characters from the Character Library to all the characters that match in your games to be able to hop to the in-game character, read and search past posts from that character to look up their past, or when making a new character, you can feed the bio, name, pic from your character library after picking cards according to the narrator's directions...
I would be a supporter of this idea as a middle ground over changing one of Storium's fundamental arrangements (the game is more important than the character, as making characters persist between games would break that arrangement.)
Amanda B. commented
This would also be useful for games done in a 'series' format!
Ari commented
Please, please do this. I've just had a second game deleted by its narrator, causing me to lose the character I'd written. It's frustrating to lose the hard work I've put into building a character! Even if characters can't be imported to other games, I'd still like to have access to my own work.