Have a submit button for the commentary box
I am using a different browser than previously and I cannot submit commentary, it will not submit. This would be easier if there was a button like submit or save to enter our commentary a bit more manually. (the browser I am having trouble on is Firefox)
Storium’s commentary box works like an IM client or chat window. You should be able to press “enter” to submit your comment. Is that not working?
ChristinaBot commented
Often, I need line breaks so having enter act as a submit button is horrible. I feel guilty making multiple comments, because I know that fires off an alert email and I don't want to spam people's inboxes.
Also, a submit button creates a clear affordance that you are ready to submit your comment, and avoids accidentally badly spelled uneditable messages. -
ThePete commented
Firefox works fine for me, at home and at work.
John Prichard commented
Hitting enter in iOS brasiers just adds a cr.
Carissa Fox commented
I only have trouble with it on Firefox, on Chrome it works fine, and it seems from the other comments that Firefox has issues with the commentary box on the side. Having a submit button could be a could "backup" for when/if enter does not work.
Geode commented
I thought that I tried "enter" and it did not work. I've signed back in and this time the comment saved (using Firefox.)
Geode commented
I'm having the same problem. I just posted the opening scene of a game (which saved fine) and tried to add a note in the Commentary column but it won't save that comment. I'm using Firefox browser version 29.0.1 . A "submit" button sounds like a good idea.