Make favorited moves/characters/stories even more useful
So we know that you're planning to add a more robust favorite system, being able to star more than just stories. I have some thoughts about expanding the mechanic.
First, I think a clever but rewarding UI addition would be a minimalist star-score in a writer's header (see attached), as well as on their profile page. Perhaps consider separating the categories, so that players can have their personal work 'galleries' that displays their public contributions on their own profiles.
Starring posts can also be a tool for quality regulation, while introducing another way to involve cards with storytelling. Not only could a writer get +1 to their star-score for writing a great move, but also accumulate a temporary 'currency' to purchase cards from that story's Narrator. If a writer wants a chance at gaining some extra control over the story, they're going to consider putting more effort into their posts, and increasing the overall quality of the tale. It would be interesting to let Narrators choose whether to accept stars from another story for use in their story-store.
One last note: giving a player the option to have their profiles public beyond just Storium users would not only be a useful portfolio for them to use professionally, but can also bring in new users - much like a store window display.
Look forward to your comments!