Invite other player(s) to review move draft and suggest edits
Sometimes we have to "take control" of another player's character in our moves... it would be nice to be able to invite specific players to review the move draft and allow them to suggest edits. We should allow unlimited iterations of drafts/review/edits.
This feature will also allow two players to build a dialogue.
I've previously used Google Docs for this, but I think it's better if I don't have to share my Google account to every Storium player I have to collaborate moves with. :)
Berelain326 commented
I really like this idea.
Far too often I have seen my character 'hijacked' by other writers. I have no problems aith collaborating but I hate when other writers put words in my characters mouths or have them perform actions my character would never do.
Perhaps when a story starts up and players are cast an affiliated wiki page could be created automatically. It doesn't necessarily have to be used but it gives writers an option.
I realize this may be time-consuming but I think it would be more engaging to all involved in the stories. Plus, you have the most accurate character portrayals without having to request revisions.