My feedback
14 results found
9 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
8 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
22 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
7 votes
12 votes
13 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
This would also be great if you have a versatile character in a story that has died or has been completed, but would be applicable in a new story.
I really like this idea.
4 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
Agreed. When I get the alerts with the move from a post it is not appealing to read in the email, especially if they're using some kind of special formatting. (This looks awesome on storium but makes my eyes hurt in the email.)
19 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
I really like this idea.
Far too often I have seen my character 'hijacked' by other writers. I have no problems aith collaborating but I hate when other writers put words in my characters mouths or have them perform actions my character would never do.
Perhaps when a story starts up and players are cast an affiliated wiki page could be created automatically. It doesn't necessarily have to be used but it gives writers an option.
I realize this may be time-consuming but I think it would be more engaging to all involved in the stories. Plus, you have the most accurate character portrayals without having to request revisions.
8 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
As a 'newer' storium user this makes me nuts! There has to be a way to make the application process more simple.
Instead of going through the 'maybe' I can find it on the 'looking for players' forum, I just pm the narrator directly and ask for an invite.
111 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
My 'concern' would be if you made it available to writers, what if one of the writers doesn't want it?
Though I suppose there could just be a 'drop' option and the writer could just leave it where he/she was for someone else to pick it up.
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
Agreed. When I first started in Storium, I picked up a wrong asset cars that my character will never use. I can't get rid of it, the narrator can't get rid of it, and now I'm stuck with it.
Curious- would you have this feature available to both the narrator and the writers? Or just the narrator?
55 votes
Berelain326 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
Oh! I think this is a really great idea! It sounds kind of like when you're reading a series of books and one book has ended and you're ready to start the next one.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Berelain326 commented
I agree with Heather. Make it optional, with the narrator able to dictate 'how many.'
I also agree with Robert. I don't always care if people choose the exact same cards because it isn't likely that the writers will have the same backstory and they 'should' have different perspectives (unless maybe they're twins but that's when it could be optional. ;))
67 votes
YES!!!! So much this!