Authorize the Developers to Delete dead games (those that have been inactive for almost a year, but the narrator didn't bother to Suspend.
I have several games on my Profile that I retired from because the narrators went missing, or got so involved in creating new games that they abandoned their existing games (and their players.) A couple of these games haven't even been Suspended by the narrators, and while it won't make my profile look MUCH prettier, at least I'd have the satisfaction of not having games that have had no activity for over 6 months (closer to 10 months!) "count against me" when narrators (or anyone else) is reviewing my profile and sees that I've retired from over a dozen games. They have no way of knowing that, except for two, every game I retired from, I left because the narrators abandoned us.

FreeXenon commented
I am very much against deleting any game at all for if you do then all of the work that people have done, all of that storytelling and creativity becomes lost.
Now, if you want to autoclose them and then file them under closed games, that would be great.
mie commented
I would add suspended and archived or tagged in some way to show it was suspended by fiat as an inactive game. I would also extend that admin privilege to trusted moderators as well.
Robert Mohr commented
I wouldn't want them deleted (sometimes I like to go back and reread games even when they didn't actually complete), but I'd love to be able to request that they be suspended.