Create an option to create multiple threads or rooms within the Green Room.
In my game Pantheons, where the players play gods, we often have extensive OOC discussions about how the world works and how we want it to work, as well as coordinating for future plans. Often multiple major, complex lines of discussion are pursued at the same time, and with ten or more players, it gets confusing and chaotic fast. I would love to be able to organize the discussion like the game's own little forum. Discuss how the calendar works in this part of the Green Room, over here coordinate on greatworks, over here coordinate on the celestial Court assignments, and so on. I could easily organize just the current discussions in four rooms or more!

JC Tennor commented
I am fortunate enough to have a very thoughtful narrator who puts a lot of effort into developing the world, fleshing out NPC's, and adding twists. Much of the story's exposition goes into the Green Room. We also have a very chatty group. And when you have 10 pages in the Green Room and are trying to find that one mention of a NPC, or that list of world rules ... well, it can make you wish for a 'tag' or 'search' option.
Meurlorg commented
Great idea but I wish you could edit what you posted in addition to what you have.