Implement a system that prevents simultaneous moves
Without being able to see the status of a move-in-action, and without potentially communicating with other players in real time, taking the time to write out a move only to see another player has disrupted this with his/her move...well it can throw the entire narrative on its face, or render the dialogue or actions you just posted irrelevant or confusing.
Games now display a notification whenever another player is working on a move. There is also a notification whenever new content is posted to the page.
T Bull commented
It does show you if someone is working on a move. . . sometimes. It does not always work. It should at least be an option that the creator can set. There are many discourteous people out there and you typically only learn this about them after you have started writing together.
Ssieth Anabuki commented
I'm not really convinced that this is much of a problem to be honest. It's never caused me a problem in a game that wasn't easily and quickly rectified. Compared to the possibility of everyone being blocked from doing anything because someone started a move and went to lunch... I think the current system suffices.
Brent Morris commented
Maybe allow people to continue starting a move at any time but in addition to the existing notice in the bottom left, have some sort of warning above the "compose move" area that someone has been writing a move since before you started
AdminStephen Hood (Co-founder, Storium) commented
Just want to point out that Storium already shows you when your fellow players are looking at the game, and it also shows you when they are actively working on a move. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
The commentary thread is also near-real-time (it updates every 30 seconds, or instantly when you write a comment). So if you see someone is online and you want to talk with them, you can do so.
Jacob commented
Yeah, this an issue guys.