make character creation non-sequential.
The thing I am finding I don't like about character creation is that it is hard-wired in to be sequential. I don't like that at all. Sometimes I think of a weakness before I can think of a good strength. Sometimes, I want to write the character description and name before I even think about creating or choosing cards. It's somewhat frustrating that I cannot see and be able to choose from all of the options available for all of the card types at one time, rather than having to choose the Nature first, and so on. I would rather be free to create the character in whatever order I prefer than to always have to do it in the software-prescribed order.
Robert Mohr commented
While I can see merit to adding this as more of an option, I do want to note that you can pretty much do this currently. Just pop through and make any selection at random for the boxes, and then you can click "Change" on any of them afterwards and make your actual choices. You're not locked into your initial choice, so if you don't feel like you can pick in the order Storium establishes, you can just make fake choices and then go back and make your real ones in whatever order you like.
Carissa Fox commented
I would prefer to choose my character's nature, strength, weakness, and subplot in any order rather than creating the character in a specific order. This way I can create the character in the order I think of qualities for them.