More interaction from the Storium creators and More capability to join the community!
Basically, I was hoping for more interaction from the Storium creators signalling that they are still alive and they are acknowledging the players. When you first join the sight, the lack of announcements and signals that the site is live causes you to initially stumble around aimlessly. Only if you're lucky enough to come across the right people, the 'world' per se, becomes open to you. Otherwise, tough luck. I was very lucky and stumbled upon the thriving community in one of my first games and have since jumped upon the bandwagon, though I worry for those who are unlucky at first. There is no way to tell if the site is still running strong from our point of view and if you don't have contact to these special players, you'd never know.
Other than this initial hiccup, I have felt that the site is very much player run (though I haven't been here for the longest time so take this with a grain of salt). Since I have joined Storium I have not stumbled upon many or any admins of the site and have heard very little from them. I am sure you are all working extremely hard, though I would like the capability to know that. I'm positive it will help the new players feel more immersed in a live community, not a dying one. And if that is not possible then I sincerely ask for a function to help bring new players to the somewhat hidden community.
I would just like some occasional hinting at possible future features or for an admin to pop into a chat once in a while. I would like to have the capability of finding other active players and to search for long-running games. I think these things would help make the site feel more alive.
Thanks for reading!

Thank you for the direct and constructive feedback. We are definitely here and working hard. We know we need to do a better job of being visible, and will try to do so!
A lot of our work lately has been focused on StoriumEdu, a new verison of Storium that is designed for educational use (to help build students’ skills and motivation as writers). Our goal with StoriumEdu is to reach more people, have a bigger impact, and (last but not least) establish a sustainable business which in turn enables us to hire more folks to help with!
If you’re up for it, could you elaborate on what you mean when you say you’d like “a function to help bring new players to the somewhat hidden community”? Thanks!
Marcos Vinícius Forecchi Accioly commented
As a new player just having signed-up, I second that this is of utmost importance! Here I am, trying to find a game, a person to ask, a "community". You can make shorter ways more visible (even though forums are irreplaceable).
This platform would be awesome in Brazilian Portuguese to make it available to portuguese-speaking countries as well.
Hoping you guys can find that way and I can find a game to join!
Pagancelt commented
I could see how this might be incredibly helpful for new players to be directed to the Slack Channel upon joining - either with a banner on the front page when you sign in or in a "Welcome Email" that could be automatically triggered when a new player joins. I found the slack channel pretty quickly since I'm nosy and browsed through all of the forums -- but many players may overlook the forums altogether and get lost trying to make a connection.