Add more info about the setting at character creation
When I was invited to the game, it wasn't very clear what was going on in the setting that was chosen. I guess I am supposed to help invent the setting by adding facts and establishing things in my character's bio, but it wasn't clear that this is how it's supposed to work (I just know that's generally how it goes in story games). I think it would be better if there were either more info about the chosen setting or if there were more guidance about how story games work for first time players and the extent of their creative license.

Thank you for the feedback, that’s really helpful perspective. Agree we need to do more here. There’s (usually) more context available as part of the fictional world you’re playing in, but we’re perhaps not showing enough of it to the new player. You also make a good point about the player’s agency over their character and the setting itself; we are looking for ways to make that clearer to newcomers!