Please don't limit us in Alpha 2 or other updates
The rules you described for Alpha 2 are neat, but not at all how we've been running our games. Please consider giving us tools, suggestions on how to use the tools, but also many alternate ways to use those tools. That's the best way you can build the biggest most diverse community. For example in my games cards are like criticals, plain and simple. You couldn't have done it before? With a card now you can. Couldn't have seen the clue? With a card now you can. I don't like the idea of players closing the story as they don't know the hidden information that the campaign has before them. That will create confusion, and frustration in my group. Please consider giving us tools with open ended uses, and just suggesting how to use them.
Thank you!
Thank you for the honest comments and for caring enough to write us about your concerns!
When Alpha 2 launches existing games will be unaffected and unchanged, so your existing games will keep working exactly the way they have been, no need to fear.
New games will use the new Alpha 2 rules. When they’re ready I hope you’ll want to give the new rules a try and let us know what you think!
heya commented
I will gladly give it a shot. I appreciate you taking my request seriously. Story telling can be an emotional experience, and that makes people protective. I won't lie I feel protective towards what I've done, and what I'd like to do with Storium in the future. I believe even if the new rules are super super awesome they won't always be the optimal rules for every kind of game I'd like to run using Storium. Please consider giving us lots of options for play. Thank you!