Tag Categories
Ability to tag a story with categories users can search to find games they would be interested in.

Haoran commented
Suggestions for more categories: Post-apocalyptic. Comedic, Dramatic, Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi.
In a perfect world, I'd like exclude and include filters on tags (e.g. I would probably exclude Post-apoc. genres, and like to search for fantasy.)
ladyindigo commented
This could be both categories like MoeMelancholy suggested, and also user-created (and mod-or-narrator-approved) tags depending on what happens in the story as it develops.
JD_Hunt commented
It would be nice if we could at least choose categories when trying to find a story to join.
MoeMelancholy commented
Have searchable criteria like Genre (hospital/ sci fi), Era (contemporary/1492AD), Style (Gritty/Funny), Rating (PG/R etc), Experience (Never played/two stars or more). The current ability to browse for games is great, but if the game takes off, there will be thousands of games looking for players and it would be good to narrow down the search. Even in the first week or two since kickstarter the games looking for players run to many pages.