Link public commentary to the time of moves
Reading the excellent The Lady Vanishes is enhanced by the backchannel-like discussion/commentary, but it isn't clear when moves are being commented on, or 'spoiled' in the commentary. An optional or unobtrusive indicator of the link in time between the two sets of text would be great.
Graf commented
Strongly agree.
A lot of comments are "of the moment". Switching back and forth between the two flows can consume a lot of time (or cause miscommunication).
I would be fine with making "linked" comments semi-visible (mouseover or similar) so it's clear that the main story takes priority. But the ability to add additional information to a post without disrupting narrative flow would be fine.
Otherwise I expect you'll start to see [OOC: blah blah blah] start to crop up.
The dual layer of the narrative (player vs character) is one of the great joys of the roleplaying genre. I'd see if you could make enhancements here.