add more filtering options to Browse Games page
I'd really like to be able to filter the Browse Games page on multiple axes. For instance, I'd like to see 'Recent Activity' + 'More Than X Scenes', to identify long-running active games that I might want to follow.
Other filters I can imagine: number of players, name of narrator, name of participant, starting deck, time of last update.

Coop commented
I'd just like to see Keywords be added to the games so that Narrators could add them and players could search for them.
David Olson commented
Add to this the ability to browse by genre/world, especially when looking for a new game to join.
Steve Boardman commented
This is a priority in my opinion. Already seeing lots of storiums grinding to a halt. Kickstarter tyre kickers are starting to leave and trying to recruit new players for a game once it's in progress is problematic as your game is now several pages in on the "looking for players". Really need to get the socialisation sorted for the game or it's going to become a graveyard of discarded games and frustrated players and that would be *really* sad for such a promising project.
Jens “Mr. Grok'n'Roll” Reineking commented
Would also be great if we could add tags to the games for filitering/searching and if games could filtered by genre/world.