Highlight custom cards
Custom cards are such a fun wild card, but half the time I don't realize when other people are playing them because they look the same.
Could they be another color or emphasized so players would know they aren't standard deck. They are often very clever and it would be nice to know, especially in larger, faster games

Brian Tkatch commented
I would like this as an option. Some players won't care.
Similarly, when creating a story, added cards are "moved" into alphabetical order. I would like an option to highlight those or allow them not to be reordered. I already re-created a card because i couldn't find it at first!
Rachel Wild commented
I made a similar suggestion but have just deleted it as I realise you posted yours first! I agree, highlighting or differentiating wild card usage by players would be awesome, as well as showing players which cards have been created as part of the base world vs which cards have been custom created by the narrator. perhaps each card could have an author credit as well as an artwork credit? there might need to be a 'modified by' bit if a narrator/player edits a preset card though too