Edit email settings
At the moment, I like the setup where every comment, move, or scene update is emailed. However, narrator-written scene continuations are a gap in the sequence; I get the full text of a player move, then just a notification that the scene has continued, then the full text of the next player move, which of course refers to the narrator's input, which I can't read on the go without breaking away and logging into the site. So full text would be good for that.
Also it would be nice to have the option of what gets emailed; ie, moves and scene updates, not comments, not character alterations, that sort of thing. Just a little more choice. Ta.
PK Levine commented
I'm voting for this primarily for the second paragraph. I would REALLY like the option to get an email every time there's a Move or a Scene Change, but NOT when people leave Comments.
Right now, I don't have that option, so I either have to (A) switch to "digest plus important emails" which means I don't get any emails unless someone specifically tags ME in them or (B) get two dozen emails more than I want each day.
The "Email Settings" screen should be a series of checkboxes, listing the various events that happen on Storium (e.g., New Move, Poke, Scene Change, Scene Continues, Comment) and your choice of Individual Email, Add it to the Digest, or Ignore.