Please rename the card categories and challenge outcomes.
Here's my reasoning: What you call a 'strong' outcome to a challenge often isn't. Rather, it's the non-confrontational outcome. But we are writing stories here. What players should really want--what I want--are the so-called 'weak' outcomes, because they are the outcomes that inject tension, drama, and uncertainty into the story. They are what make the story exciting.
I would rather that the 'Weak' cards be renamed to 'Character Flaws,' and the 'Strong' cards be renamed as 'Character Strengths,' to make it clearer what their purpose is. And I think it would make more sense to name the possible outcomes as 'Confrontational' and 'Non-Confrontational' outcomes, to more accurately reflect what they are.

The wording is a difficult thing to get right! Unfortunately ‘non-confrontational’ isn’t quite accurate either – it may well involve a confrontation (a fight or an argument, for example) but the characters will mostly meet with success when addressing it. Other suggestions would be welcome though!