Add the ability to send a note when declining an invitation.
I just had to decline an invitation for a new game, and I must admit that it "feels rude" to simply hit the "Decline" button without being able to offer some sort of optional personal message ("Thanks very much for inviting me to your new game, but..."
Without the ability to explain WHY you are declining an invitation seems to me to have the potential of injecting an unintended "sense of rejection" where none is really intended.
Boyd.Crowder commented
Tacronicus commented
I would really like to see something like this implemented! It seems just plain rude to decline an invitation without being able to offer some sort of "Sorry, but...wish you all the best" type of message.
Jonas Tintenseher commented
With the lack of messaging system in Storium (which I believe is planned eventually?) it feels kind of rude to cancel a character for a game you've been invited to. Same as when you submit a character, have space for a comment, so that one could say "Sorry, this just doesn't seem like my kind of story," or, "Sorry, I just don't have the time to do another game right now."
TheDoctor455 commented
I hate having to turn down invitations, but I have to every now and then... and I'd really appreciate it if we could leave the narrator that invited us a message... not mandatory of course, but having the option would be nice. That way I could make it clear why I'm turning it down. As it is... Narrators can assume all kinds of reasons why their invite was turned down.
Anonymous commented
There does not seem to be a way to send a polite decline to a game invitation within the body of the invitation. This is a little disappointing, especially as there is often no other contact information available to determine whether or not someone is just thinking about what to contribute, or is genuinely not interested.
Ryan Macklin commented
When turning down an invitation to a game, it would be useful to have the option to state why within the system.