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  1. Give the narrator the ability to reorder moves

    So that you can run meetings and the like with big groups of characters and everyone can ask questions at the appropriate time.

    It'd also allow the narrators to consolidate related moves and decide where you switch POV when there are scenes where two groups of characters are in different places.

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  2. Notifications API/Feed

    It'd be great to have either an RSS/Atom feed for notifications or an API to get at them. What I'd love to be able to do is throw together a quick application that sits in my systray (yeah, I'm a windows user) and display when I have new statuses. A feed or API would make that a lot easier.

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  3. Allow players to share Goal cards that they pick up

    I think this would be helpful form a narrative standpoint if a player character could convince another to join them in completing a goal, or to task another with completing it for them. Sometimes the story might even split characters up in a way that the character might need to pass the goal on to someone else. Whatever the case may be, I think this would be a helpful feature.

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  4. Comments/Forum area for non-participant readers

    People reading a game in which they are not necessarily players could have conversations and leave compliments etc.

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  5. Narrator notes area on a game

    A private text area for narrators to keep notes about the game (such as future plot ideas or plans), that they may want or need, but player's don't need to see.

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  6. allow the Narrator to give Assset, Goal, and Subplot cards secretly.

    The narrator should be able to give out these cards to a player without the others seeing them. Knowing that another player recieved a "Threatening Letter" asset or "Spy on player X" sublot card could color some of the other players behavior.

    Also, if a card is given secretly, it wouldn't show up in the players' card popup box if the other players click on them, but it would show up to visitors, the Narrator, and the player who owns them.

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  7. Notifications on the game-banner

    Since we each game features a banner with game logo and character picture, why not use this to show whether there are new moves and/or comments?

    It already shows the "favourite" counter, showing how many people like the game. Adding a speech bubble (or something) to show that there are new comments, and maybe the storium logo to indicate new moves would make it easier to know which current games one should check out next.

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  8. Play This Card As Weakness / Play This Card as Strength

    So I have Strength cards which lean towards a good ending, and Weakness cards that lean towards a bad ending, and I have Assets and Subplots and Goals that lean towards… an ending.

    So first, let me own up and say I'm not terribly certain what playing a non-strength, non-weakness card is supposed to represent, exactly, in the story. So maybe this is based off of a lack of understanding on my part.

    However, I'd really like to be able to play Assets, Goals, and Subplots as strengths and weaknesses. I really want to be able to play them as…

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  9. Have a Character Action Tracker

    I envision something like the comments section, but for a brief update on the last character action and/or placement in the scene. It shouldn't be an ongoing or continual list. It would have one update per character. Something like this:

    Char #1 - unconscious in hallway
    Char #2 - connected to cybernet in netbay 1
    Char #3 - connected to cybernet in netbay 3
    Char #4 - sneaking into netbay 3 behind char #3
    Char #5 - haggling with shopkeep over price to rent netbays
    Char #6 - doing drugs in netbay 2

    I see this being very helpful in…

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  10. Allow move editing form anywhere in the story

    Sometimes, in long or complicated stories, I find it necessary to go back and look over an old scene. it would be helpful to somehow 'pin' the move editing frame so that it is always available, no matter what section of the story you're looking at. Would save a lot of time on page reloads.

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  11. End Game Button

    I would love a button to just end a game, instead of having to create a final scene. Unfortunately I had a game abandoned by the majority of the players, and it was a hassle to end the game because I had to end the scene. Then start a new "final scene" and then end it too.

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  12. List of Features Ideas

    Hello there,

    I've kicked the tires and made a couple videos highlighting the great features.

    There are a couple of features (mostly options) missing that I hope you'll add soon.

    1. The ability to let Narrators allow Players to create scenes; or grant this on a Player-by-Player basis. Maybe I like the writing style/chops of a Player and want to make them my Lietenant and let them help me run things.

    2. The ability to Create More than one Scene at a Time (running simultaneously) This would allow for side exposition, or even the exploration of flashbacks while not beholden to the…

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  13. respect carriage returns in the comments thread

    Storium lets me put blank lines in my comments, to break up paragraph, but then deletes them when in posts the comment. This is counterintuitive and limiting.

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  14. Let us customize what shows up in our Notifications

    It'd be great to be able to define what shows up on my Notifications sidebar: which game's comments, which game's moves, if my own moves/comments show up or not.

    Also, the option to have notifications for your Favorites. Like, I'd love to be able to get a Notification on my sidebar if one of my Favorite players creates a new game so I don't have to scroll around in my super unorganized Favorites page. But you should be able to turn it on and off so people can choose how much spam or not their sidebar gets.

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  15. Reminders to Player to actually click on cards!

    I find that players often miss the fact that cards have text and images, just seeing the titles in turn-mode and forgetting to click them for more information.

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  16. Game Ratings, Both ESRB and Experince Levels.

    Game Ratings To not only Label if a game has mature content or not, but also to help label it's genre as well as the play level of the characters. For example: People who type less then a Paragraph vs People who type full out pages.

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  17. Per move images / Illustrations

    Allow the user to select a mood icon or image (or upload one) to accompany their post with other users able to view the whole image in an overlay if they desire. For the more artistic players this would allow stories to be illustrated.

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  18. Mark posts as "read", show posts which are "new"

    Currently the user must scroll to the bottom of a long page to see new additions to the story. By adding a few fields to an indexing table, say:

    id | gameid | sceneid | markedread | lastviewed

    You could create some useful features, like highlighting entries posted since the last time the user logged in, and hiding posts older than the last the user marked as read. Also of course, adding the ability for the user to mark specific posts or the entire scene as "read" (the latter would of course simply…

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  19. include a button for when a player is out of ideas

    This is like passing in a tabletop game. Players could click on it with the option of coming back in later if something changes. If everyone passes, then the narrator knows to move forward.

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  20. Get activity notifications via Twitter

    I'd like to be able to get notifications of player's moves in games I'm narrating or playing in via Twitter. It would make sense since Storium already has my Twitter handle in my profile.

    I don't want these notifications for "Favorite" games that I'm simply watching.

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