Narrator notes area on a game
A private text area for narrators to keep notes about the game (such as future plot ideas or plans), that they may want or need, but player's don't need to see.

TimWB commented
(Even if it's a box that sits at the side of the screen, under the commentary scroll or something like that.)
TimWB commented
Oh, man, YES PLEASE. I was just coming here to suggest this. I have word processor documents constantly open right now with my story notes and reminders about NPCs, etc. Having a narrator-only place on the site to put these notes would be AMAZING.
Anonymous commented
I was about to suggest much the same thing. I understand if the creators don't want us keeping *all* our notes on-site, since sometimes planning can get pretty intense, but sometimes I need to remember things like "This card is related to that card - don't use it until a certain point in the story", which as a reminder is only useful to me if it's right there with the card.
Bernd Pressler commented
I agree. It helps keeping track of important things in the story, for a character, for a DM, development options... Of course you can do it offsite, but integrated here would make it more accessible.
Rachel Wild commented
there's a similar suggestion for players here:
Rachel Wild commented
and another one here!
I am literally dying for this feature right now -
Rachel Wild commented
just adding a similar suggestion i found here (any chance the votes could be merged?)
Rachel Wild commented
This is definitely needed :) would be good for players too!