Keep a list of used up cards visible as they describe character
When a strength or weakness card gets used up it would be useful to have a record that the character possesses those characteristics. It would help make characters more consistent, and also stop players having to scroll back through the whole story to see what strengths and weaknesses they have already chosen when they come to create a new wild.

Players can now choose from existing narrator cards or previously played strength or weakness cards when creating a wild to play on challenges. Thanks!
Bluegeek commented
Not going to use up a vote on this as it already seems to have solid support, but I agree that it should be easier to tell what Wild cards have already been created.
Robert Mohr commented
Can't add votes, unfortunately, as I'm out, but I think this would be pretty helpful. Some kind of list that shows what the cards were you played since your last refresh, maybe, or even a list that just flat-out shows your card play history for the game, listing card plays in order with their associated scenes?