include narrator's moves in email notifications
I'm actually amazed this isn't already a change request, but better late than never! :-)
Right now, player moves text (though not card play details but that's less important) are sent out in full in email notifications for those of us who receive them. Narrator moves however are not - we only receive a message saying "The Narrator has continued the scene". If I had to guess as to why this descrepancy exists I'd say it's to spur users to log into the site and actually look at the scene in full?
However, the effect is to not only hamper the usefulness of email notifications generally but also to impact on the usefulness of the player move emails.
How? Well, say I'm on the move (or at work and unable to be on Storium) and I'm keeping up with my games via email only. I'm reading along with players' moves. But as soon as the narrator moves the scene on, I lose all context, and I can no longer follow the scene.
Every player move email I receive after that is now useless to me until I've logged into the site. Am I due to post? WHO KNOWS? This hampers my ability to make an informed choice about whether I need to, say, crank up and navigate Storium on my phone (always an exercise in frustration) to make a move, or whether I can feel reassured that I'm not needed yet and wait 'til I'm home. Perhaps more importantly it hampers my ability to keep up with reading the game so that when I DO log in I already have a post written in my head.
I'm sure there is some rationale behind things working as they do but I'd say there's reason to consider changing to sending move text for narrators as well as players' moves.

John Philip Mitchell Chappell commented
Aye, this would definitely be welcomed by me.
Jonathan Lawn commented
Yes please.
And at the same time can you also sort out the fact that emails have the title "<nickname> (<character>) made a move" but "<first name> edited their move". Just use the first format for every email and never use <first name> please!
Robert Mohr commented
I think I'd find this pretty useful as well. I'd like to see notification e-mails that include the text of scene beginnings, endings, or continuation. I agree that it'd be good to be able to follow along with the story more with those.
I'd also actually like to see the e-mails maybe, if possible, list the cards played--just the names and maybe the card type--at the bottom of the e-mail. Doesn't have to have graphics or anything (probably shouldn't so it can work on the most things possible)--but it'd be nice to see those in there too.
Mo commented
Ah, there IS an old request from way back when, it seems. No attention at the time though.
Mo commented
Ah hah, there IS a request for this! I just logged one, I'll delete it. My notes on the topic:
Right now, player moves text (though not card play details but that's less important) are sent out in full in email notifications for those of us who receive them. Narrator moves however are not - we only receive a message saying "The Narrator has continued the scene". If I had to guess as to why this descrepancy exists I'd say it's to spur users to log into the site and actually look at the scene in full?
However, the effect is to not only hamper the usefulness of email notifications generally but also to impact on the usefulness of the player move emails.
How? Well, say I'm on the move (or at work and unable to be on Storium) and I'm keeping up with my games via email only. I'm reading along with players' moves. But as soon as the narrator moves the scene on, I lose all context, and I can no longer follow the scene.
Every player move email I receive after that is now useless to me until I've logged into the site. Am I due to post? WHO KNOWS? This hampers my ability to make an informed choice about whether I need to, say, crank up and navigate Storium on my phone (always an exercise in frustration) to make a move, or whether I can feel reassured that I'm not needed yet and wait 'til I'm home. Perhaps more importantly it hampers my ability to keep up with reading the game so that when I DO log in I already have a post written in my head.
I'm sure there is some rationale behind things working as they do but I'd say there's reason to consider changing to sending move text for narrators as well as players' moves.
Gemi commented
I know this is planned, but I just want to second this as something that's needed. For accessibility reasons I have players who largely follow on their emails until it's time to post, and it's a pain for them to have to go to the site just to see the narrator's posts (and I post a lot).
Sara commented
It would be really nice for notification emails about narrator moves to also include the move text the way player move/comment notification emails do.
Anonymous commented
Basically if people can't log on, it would be nice to be able to respond to comments in the commentary so that the others in your game know you're still paying attention, I'd like to know what everyone is doing in game, not just fellow players whilst I am in forced solitude, and the commentary section is a little hard to control with any reliability. Please make it bigger!
Ryan Macklin commented
Right now, if a player makes a move, the text of that move is in the email. But when the narrator does, the text of that move isn't in the email.