The Narrator should be able to remove cards from player's inventory.
In our game, a character broke his weapon, so I gave him a "Broken Bit of Blade".
Later on he managed to fix it... but there doesn't seem to be any way for either of us to get rid of the broken bit.

If the player clicks on “Browse your cards” they can actually “rewrite” their asset card to turn it into something else — anything that makes sense in the story! In this way, the player gets to keep their cards — and the narrative power that they provide — but can adjust them to what makes sense in the story right now. Rewriting an Asset costs one card, which prevents the feature from being abused. And as narrator, you can push back if a player rewrites an Asset in a way that seems inappropriate.
Brian Tkatch commented
Rewriting a card doesn't cut it for me. Trading in a card for a new one does, or tagging, which is forceful, but not too strong handed.
For example:
Stephen uses his sword to slay the evil vampire.
Benjamin (story teller) tags Stephen's sword as "nicked".Perhaps,perhaps, Stephen can trade in his "Sword (nicked)" for a new card, "Nicked Sword".
Once an item is tagged, it may no longer make sense to use in a challenge. For example, a Sword (rusted) would not do well in leveraging a heavy rock. Or, a Cloak (burnt) would not service to cover one's modesty.
Tagging could even be used as a strength, or "buff" to use the vernacular, for x moves or uses:
Stephen dips the sword in the strange ooze to pick up his dropped keys.
Benjamin tags Stephen's Sword (cursed (1 use)) meaning it might not work well in the next swing of the sword. -
Gemi commented
You also can't get change a card by "rewriting" it if there's only one left. I ran into this issue and had to just make a one-point obstacle to allow my player to get rid of their card after the fact.
Benjamin commented
Ah, yes that does make sense. Still, it does seem like there should be some way for the Narrator to have control as well, other than saying, "Hey everybody in the fire, please re-write your flammable items to say 'singed'".
Unless that's too heavy-handed a thing for this style of game?