Implement Multi Scene Challenges
Our narrator winged that in one of the games I'm in and I'm really liking the idea as a tool. You should be able to implement big challenges that span several scenes or maybe even chapters. Players could work towards it as it comes up and independently of other challenges.
The challenge in question and a good example was survival in a hostile wilderness along an extended trip that spanned several scenes. There were other challenges to address individual hazards and obstacles but the overarching challenge would return each scene, minus the value that had already had cards played on it. Now this is obviously imperfect because this will not track the actual level the challenge is at at any given time (weak, strong, uncertain). Why the ability to throw out big challenges across longer scenes would be nice.
Thank you for your time.
TimWB commented
Sometimes, as a scene progresses and great things happen with the players, a scene can become very long and unruly to scroll through. But many times, I can't simply end the scene and start a new one, because there are still challenges left to be finished. I would love to be able to mark a challenge as "open" to have it appear in the next scene just as it was left at the end of the previous scene.
Geoff Spakes commented
I love the idea of challenges that span an entire chapter.
Wesley Obenshain commented
Suggestion for OP: This is one of the generalized uses for Goals. As the players play them they "discover" links to the overarching plot objective.
Yam commented
It would be nice if there's an option for a challenge that is not required to be completed in just one scene. That it can still be completed in the next one or few scenes. Kind of like an overarching challenge for the characters.
Anonymous commented
I like the idea - we'll be stuck in the wilderness until there's enough successes on the "find your way home" challenge!