Use a pseudonym
It would be nice to start/join a game under a pseudonym.

Randy Keeling commented
I understand how that can be used to enable 'bad' behavior. The fact that each alias would be tied back to the parent account might help. This way if the 'bad' alias is reported, you guys would know what account was behind it. But I understand, and appreciate, that you and your team are looking at ways to stop (or at least limit) abuse. Thanks!
AdminStephen Hood (Co-founder, Storium) commented
Thanks for that extra detail. I see what you mean — you're specifically looking for a way to have "aliases" or multiple identities for the same account. Got it. That makes sense, and I can absolutely see why that would be helpful. The challenge is here is that it a feature like this can also be used to *enable* bad behavior — i.e. people can hide behind their aliases and behave badly. We would have to figure out a way to prevent that. We absolutely share your desire to see Storium be a safe and welcoming place for everyone, so this feedback is appreciated!
Randy Keeling commented
I was thinking of two use cases:
One case, the less important one, would be where people use different names for different groups. To my gaming group I may go by one name, to my work friends I go by another and to my family a third.
And to go along with that, sometimes it might be nice to join/host a game without letting your friends know.
"Randy, I thought you weren't playing this week. But I saw that you started a game. Why didn't you invite me?"
"Uhmmm... yeah Bob. Honest, I wasn't avoiding you... it was just...."Sometimes you just need a break. :-)
The second use case is more serious and it involves cyber bullying, sexist and/or unwanted attention. I can understand why some people would like to be able to join/host a game under a pseudonym in these cases.
For example:
Sally plays a game with her friends, as Sally, but perhaps hosts public game under "Bob, the destroyer of characters" to avoid the actions of unsavory and insecure people.
It would be nice to say everyone will play nice, and I am sure Storium will have ways to self police, but the reality of the internet is that these types of people will always pop-up. And as a supporter of women & minorities online I know how hard that can be for some people to deal with that form of negative attention. A pseudonym allows someone that small amount of temporary anonymity without have to purchase two accounts (in the case of hosting games).
Just a thought.