Allow players to post pics
Would love to be able to post pics along with the post if we wanted to show the avatar in a certain position, or an object, etc.

Ruv Draba commented
Yes. As a narrator, I often create mood imagery for scenes, but then as a player I can't do it for turns.
Also, as mentioned in another suggestion, I'm creating original soundtracks for some stories, and would like players to have the ability to embed Youtube/Soundcloud etc...
Boyd.Crowder commented
Is there a danger of Storium changing from a collaborative prose-writing venue to a collaborative comic book/graphic novel venue? Not sure if this is a good idea, to be honest.
Mo commented
Ugh, can't type.
Ooooh, OR approval of pictures could be a game setting? Then if the narrator trusts their players in X game they can allow it, and in other games they can keep it (a) turned off as an option or (b) you can post a picture link that will show up with title text ("the mysterious box I found", "my character's beautiful axe", "my character's outfit") but not a picture, with the (c) option being 'all pictures show when players post them'? -
Mo commented
I would love for played to be able to post pictures but share others' concerns. Perhaps a blanket narrator approval button? Which would add a bit of extra overhead to development, sadly...
D. Woods commented
Narrators can currently place pictures when they post a move, so why not Players as well? In addition, it would be great if both Players and the Narrator could embed a link to, say, a Youtube clip or a Soundhound song that reflects what's going on in scene or is referred to by a character. The song could also be the soundtrack for that scene as well, or just something heard in the background. Just some suggestions to add some flavour!
Matt commented
I'd love to see this, as well as embedding soundcloud, YouTube videos inline, or general urls.
We are living, in a multimedia world, and I am a multimedia boy!
Mischa Krilov commented
Sorry, Brian! I tried for a homage to Paranoia.
Brian Tkatch commented
I like the idea but am also uneasy about it. Some pictures are just freaky, for example, someone here has an avatar of just their eye, which i find mildly disturbing. (No offense intended Mischa).
Pictures mean many things to many people, and may affect the NSFW flag as well.
Ken Livingston commented
I think this would be very good, but make it so that non-subscribers have to have their image(s) approved by the Narrator before they become visible.
Mischa Krilov commented
@J.R. You only trust random subscribers to post pictures? :)
J.R. Riedel commented
I'd support this, but only as a feature for subscribers.
I know I'm a bit cynical, but I don't trust random people to post pictures. -
Storn commented
Oops, sorry, just saw that someone also said the same thing. But I'm an artist and often do doodles for the games I'm involved in.
So toss my vote in as well. An I will go support the allow players to post pics thread.
Richie Holsinger commented
This actually sounds like a wonderful addition to the game.
Mischa Krilov commented
Yes and yes.
Scott Dunphy commented
Along these lines, players can post pics for wild cards but can't update pics on their abilities (at least not after play starts). It would be nice if they could.