notepad - scribbles - concept notes
It would be nice for the narrator - but also for the players - to have a private notepad. The narrator could assemble ideas for long-term plot development there and have it connected right to the story. A player could take notes about conditions and planned development for their own character or important facts in a story.
For each story its own note-place.

Brian Engard commented
As a narrator, I'd like a place where I can jot notes that I can reference later. Sometimes I create NPCs without playing their cards because the players aren't in conflict with them, or because I'm just mentioning them for later. I'd like to be able to jot down a few notes about who they are for when I write in a callback. Ditto for other plot elements.
Tony commented
I think this might be already coming "Narrator intel" section, but I'm not sure.
Tim commented
For instance, if there is backstory or something that would help the players to know that is not explicitly part of the game's description or part of a scene, it would be nice to have like a wiki-type thing, or something, or a place to list NPCs, etc.
Tony commented
It would be neat if the narrator had a spot, hidden to the players, where she could take some notes on loose ends, etc...
Lana commented
Once you're in a game, you have the character developments that come along with the chapters. Maybe a place on the character profile to add notes on minor background things for writer reference. Like, ideas for names of family members or minor encounter ideas that need to be explored later. It makes it easier to reference rather than rereading entire scenes. And perhaps make it so narrators can comment if it's going to fit in the game or not :)
Rachel Wild commented
see similar suggestion here: please upvote!