Allow character to come out of retirement, player to make a new character, or to make multiple characters. un retire. return.
At the moment you can do this with multiple accounts on storium, it would be useful if at some point an option was available for characters to return or re apply, remake or have multiple characters, even if this is a narrator option. i know this has been said in some ways before, and there might be more urgent updates. thanks.
Most of this will be in the initial Gamma launch. The only exception is “un-retirement”, which is coming soon!
UPDATE: narrators can now un-retire characters.
D. Woods commented
This is definitely needed. Characters die, but often the player wants to keep playing. Allowing them to create a new character to join the game without overwriting the previous character would be great. There should be no reason why multiple characters can't be created.
Rachel Wild commented
another linked feedback here:
Rachel Wild commented
similar/linked idea asking for the ability to pause a character (putting them on a temporary leave of absence, removing their challenge points from the game) here:
one benefit of this as well would be that people wouldn't have to keep seeing notifications for games they can't currently play in as well - especially useful if one of the reasons you are having to pause the game is because it is moving too fast and clogging up your notifications feed!
but this element could be easily avoided if we had the option to turn notifications off per game as well.
though I also like/want the idea of players being able to make multiple characters per game as well (maybe with a limit of only being able to play one at a time? might get a bit silly with players pausing/retiring one to unpause/unretire another though, just so they can play alts in the same scene)
September commented
THere should be the option for a narrator to store an old character's information on that player retiring and for a player to do the same.
Ada commented
I would definitely like to be able to create a new character after an old one has died or left the story for any other reason.