All Player Accessible NPC information page?
A simple editable document (basic formatting and bullet points) attached to each game, accessible to players and Narrators only, to jot notes to maintain continuity during the story. Players/Narrator could use the page to include NPC names, important plot point, bit of backstory, etc for use specifically during the composition of a move. It would need to be accessible to players while writing moves, but not need to include as many details as would be included on a previously suggested 'cast list' of NPCs.

Great suggestion, thank you! We actually have this in our evil plans. Worlds will come with narrator and player-oriented documents that provide backstory, plot ideas, etc. You’ll be able to edit and add to these in the course of play!
JC Tennor commented
Currently I am in several games which use Google docs to keep track of exposition and NPCs. It's nice that there are ways to keep in touch and share ideas, but it would be better if those ways were all in one place.
D. Woods commented
Why stop with just creating simple bullet-pointed NPCs? Shouldn't some NPCs be important enough to have their own cards and profiles created at any point the narrator deems them to be important?
Bajorque commented
Same for me, I would like to give handout to players like a map of the city or newspaper clipping accessible at any time, but I can't, right now.
Anonymous commented
Hosting a separate small Wiki for each game would be ideal, and might be easier than coming up with your own document editor. Something WYSIWIG would fit the Storium model best, of course.
Felicity commented
It needs to be open for non-pre-created worlds. It's really frustrating to try to share world information with my players. We have to do it outside the game, and that's immersion breaking.
C David Dent commented
A story bible page would be invaluable as a place we could put places and NPCs that can be featured in the characters backgrounds.