C David Dent
My feedback
18 results found
4 votes
C David Dent shared this idea ·
621 votes
We are going to try out something related to these suggestions, probably in the timeframe of Gamma. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
@Haystack I'm not sure that woks all that well as the number of cards you can play is fixed at 3 in a scene. If you play cards against relationships it reduces the number of cards you can play against obstacles in the scene. If the narrator has used all of his challenge points then you'll come up short.
@zZZman74 I mentioned earlier in the comment thread that players should have only 1 relationship card for every 3 characters in a game to give away. in most games that would mean 1 or 2 cards. And you have no way to renew them. Like Assets they are static. But you would have the ability to withdraw them from players as relationships change and evolve.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
I don't know that it has to be part of character creation at all. A relationship could just be a special-purpose asset. You establish your relationship by giving the other player a card. That relationship does not have to be reciprocated, it just means that your cards would get a boost/penalty in obstacles where you were participating with a friend/rival.
After that it's all about the role-play. But, from a narrator point of view, he could see the relationships building (whether reflected in the writing or the way the cards are being played) even if they players didn't necessarily reflect all of their attachments in their writing.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
The disadvantage of role-playing it out is that it has no game effect. It has the same story effect either way, but having an in-game mechanic where your friends help you more and your rivals help you less would make for more variety in the obstacle-math.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
...Or Tom hates Fred secretly. I don't see a need to get the Narrator involved at all...unless you are talking about relationships to NPCs. I see your relationship cards as being very one-sided. And something that can be withdrawn should you feel you want to.
C David Dent supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
I propose you get 1 "relationship card" for every 3 players. When you give it you specify whether it is a Positive or a Negative relationship. You can withdraw these cards at any time and reassign them to another player.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
It occurs to me that this could also benefit the game mechanic. If all the cards played on an obstacle are "partnered" it could thrown an "uncertain" outcome a weak outcome (or a weak into a strong one) by counting all the "partner" pairs as part of the positive card count.
Conversely rivals "pairs" work against you counting as negative card counts. Which means they could balance out if both rivals and partners play on the same obstacle.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
When you create a character you could make it optional to have a stack of "Partner" and a "Rival" assets that you give to other players.
Then you could play those as assets in the game during your moves. It would certainly show you the bonds between the players.
950 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
@FrederickK the problem with letting people play cards on 0-challenge obstacles is that they can only play 3 cards. If the Narrator has assigned all of the challenges available in a scene then any cards they play on a 0-challenge obstacle means they cannot complete a non-0 obstacle.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
Rathern than including them as an obstacle, can we perhaps make a way to have a pop-up link to their NPC card in the story text? Some sort of link like that might make it easier to remind people who is shom without cluttering the elements that are "gamified" for the scene.
Example syntax:
[The NPC's Name](npc://NPC_full_name_here "He's going to get you")An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
By reducing the Challenge to 0 means that the first person who takes it gets an uncertain outcome.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
I am not sure that it neccesary to include a card for NPCs in a scene, just use them by name in the narrative. The card indicates that a specific NPC has something that is needed to move the encounter forward.
145 votes
C David Dent supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
There should be a moratorium on edits at some point. Perhaps when the scene is ended. In combination with a Narrator Pause button this would be the most useful other feature I'd like to see.
244 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
If you make it as part of the new feature of "pre-made characters" when you clone the characters into a new game you could then have the GM "prune" them for assets, strengths and weaknesses that might not fit in the new story.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
It could be done as a sort of "clone" of a story. Returning all the characters to a "awaiting approval" stage. Which would then allow the GM to require revisions as necessary for the new story.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
This could be good if you "bork" a game with too many or the wrong players and want to start over with a smaller sub-set of players too.
Or if you want to close out a single story as "complete" and start a second story with the same characters...rather than a perpetual never-ending one.
C David Dent supported this idea ·
9 votes
C David Dent supported this idea ·
31 votes
Adminehardee (Admin, Storium) responded
The Activity Summary now lists how many cards each player has played in a given scene and how far along each challenge is and how it is trending (Weak/Strong/Neutral).
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
In RE To Heather's comment, the Obstacle Block changes color based on the current trend of the aggregate cards played. I'd rather see it as a multi-colored block of green, orange and grey until it is completed...then it becomes the color of the outcome. It would make it much easier to determine what to play on it to bring it into the result I want (or can achieve)
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
Well you can figure it out by going through a scene and counting them. But there is no "summary" with an explicit count of what people have both played or have left to play in a scene.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
I'd like to see in the cast list "X Cards left to play"
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
In a very large cast this would be invaluable to seeing who has cards left to play.
C David Dent supported this idea ·
66 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
This is a great idea! I really like that it gives depth to the characteristics of the traits. And as an added bonus reduces the work of the Narrator by reducing the number of "uncertain" outcomes that are generated.
C David Dent supported this idea ·
0 votes
10 votes
C David Dent shared this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
This is pretty good, although the follow-up text could be a narrator/player field. Sort of like Revision except prompting the narrator to add to the move then the Player finishes up.
11 votes
Great suggestions, thanks! We will in the very least have some manner of “NSFW” tagging feature in the near future.
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
I'd rather a series of check-boxes:
[ ] Adult Language
[ ] Violence
[ ] Stylized Violence (aka Cartoon Violence)
[ ] Sexual Situations
[ ] Drugs/Drug Use
[ ] Gore or Disturbing Imagery
[ ] Adult Situations and Drama -
318 votes
We will soon be adding the ability for the narrator to explicitly specify which characters are in a given scene. Would that help a bit?
Meanwhile, you can visually segment the action in a scene by using a horizontal rule (“
-” in our layout syntax). Note also that the system does not require that players make a move in every scene. So you can ask someone to “sit this one out” and the scene will be able to progress just fine. Hopefully these techniques can get you un-stuck for the time being?Regarding simultaneous scenes, we’ve received this suggestion from a couple of other users, too, and so we are thinking hard about how we could add it to Storium without making things difficult to use and understand. It’s high on our list so please stay tuned.
Thanks for the feedback!
C David Dent supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
Perhaps if you could add multiple locations to a scene and then assign characters to those locations.
It might mean having to assign obstacles, NPCs, assets and goals to particular locations as well.
75 votes
C David Dent supported this idea ·
496 votes
We’re going to experiment with this idea during Gamma, along with some related concepts. Thanks for the feedback!
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
It occurs to me rather than a 'pause' button a 'snooze' button with a duration might be better.
C David Dent shared this idea ·
6 votes
Thanks for the feedback. In Alpha 2 we have added more character info to the popups, but you’re right that the bio is still not shown. This is mostly a space consideration, because bios can be quite long (and many are). We’ll noodle on how we might be able to fit this in…
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
If you click the name of the character under the pop-out you are taken to a full bio page.
5 votes
That’s a great point, thanks for the feedback!
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
Maybe if we could build a link to NPC or Asset cards in the narrative even if they aren't included in the scene.
25 votes
Great suggestion, thank you! We actually have this in our evil plans. Worlds will come with narrator and player-oriented documents that provide backstory, plot ideas, etc. You’ll be able to edit and add to these in the course of play!
An error occurred while saving the comment C David Dent commented
A story bible page would be invaluable as a place we could put places and NPCs that can be featured in the characters backgrounds.
@Green Dragon That makes sense up to a point. You can only "complete" a relationship at that point. And any subplot cards you play against an obstacle 1) come out of your allocation of 3 cards for that scene, and 2) do not give you either a strong or a weak outcome on your obstacle. They are neutral.
So by making an asset you can play on another player means that when you cooperate on an obstacle you gain a bonus with your allies and a penalty with your rivals. And being able to withdraw your relationship cards means you can recycle them on a scene-for-scene basis. That reflects the changing dynamic of real relationships.