Export characters to different stories
It would be super neat if characters could somehow be "exported" from a concluded story for inclusion in a different story.
So say I've got a character, Alice in a game, playing happily for ages, and you've got a character, Bob in another game, playing happily for ages. We decide we want our friend Eve to start a new game with our old characters- rather than starting a new "level 1" character, it would be cool to bring over the old character's deck into a new game.
Yes, I know this is not trivial. :)

LucyPenrose commented
This would be very useful to have, at least in the sense of having the ability to copy a character that was used in a previous game.
I'm not sure about the implementation. The way I see it, there are two ways:
1. Allow players to keep their custom characters with them. When they join a game they can create a new character, pick from pre-made characters, or choose an existing character that they've previously used.
2. Allow narrators to import characters from other games as pre-made characters.
I think the most flexible approach is that a Storium user may have a list of characters that they maintain outside of games, and these can be used as templates when creating characters. This would save time, but would still allow characters to be modified to suit an individual story.
Kimberly Hartman commented
Love this. Have characters who will move from story to story.
Meurlorg commented
wait, you have to earn exp, its not assign by the GM?
Elzibub commented
This would be great for stories like ours where we are playing a Buffy the Vampire Slayer style game, so that we could have each story be an episode, rather than one giant run on game. I like the idea of the title of the story being the title of the episode, to remind players of which part of the story arc it fits into.
With being able to export the characters to the new game if the game successfully completes, everyone can move onto the next episode with all of their character progress.
I like the idea that someone else mentioned about the narrator being able to reapprove the characters and take away any unnecessary artifacts that may no longer matter to the new episode.
Rachel Wild commented
another linked feedback here: https://storium.uservoice.com/forums/211322-general/suggestions/6023480-not-kill-characters
Geoffrey Rabe commented
Hi - I generally agree with this concept, but with the 'continued version of the same character & player' versus 'a group of characters, but reused by new players,' the 'Scooby-Doo' approach. And, of course, while I generally agree that items/knowledge one picks up from one story could be brought into a new story, that the narrator would have final say if any particular knowledge or item is appropriate in the new milieu. So, all-in-all, I say yes, for each player having a character vault.
jeb1981 commented
I'd sort of like to see a "character vault" where you can store all your old characters, then reuse them in future games (with narrator approval, of course).
Brian Tkatch commented
This is an especially good when the stories are in the same series.
Anonymous commented
A system that allows you to play the same character in another story following the end of the current story. This would allow for a 'campaign' style set of stories to be told. If we could carry items and experiences over that would be amazing
Example: I play a crewmember on a starship with a group of friends and we want to play a new story set aboard that ship. In the last story however my mentor was killed and that has affected me somehow.
Andrew Shields commented
it takes a lot of energy for a group or even a pair of people to get from the beginning, through the middle, to the end of a story in a format like this. I aim for more than one story, keep them short, and let them tell a larger story over time.
I don't like stories to grind to a halt, and one tool to keep that from happening is to keep them short. When a short story is over, the player knows that character better, and we all might want that character in a new story.
C David Dent commented
If you make it as part of the new feature of "pre-made characters" when you clone the characters into a new game you could then have the GM "prune" them for assets, strengths and weaknesses that might not fit in the new story.
Paynekilr commented
I like this idea, as long as it makes sense to continue. you find a knife in one storyline and you don't use it by the end, you can use the knife with the same character in a 'weeks later' situation
You'd need to link the character to your profile to save it so only you can have that character at a later time, but you just need to be careful with overpowered characters collecting all the cards.
Mischa Krilov commented
So you could have different actors (players) playing the same roles (characters).
Mischa Krilov commented
Or even if you have a set of pre-gens you want to run through the same story. (For some reason, a series of Scooby Doo stories popped into my head as the best possible example.)
C David Dent commented
It could be done as a sort of "clone" of a story. Returning all the characters to a "awaiting approval" stage. Which would then allow the GM to require revisions as necessary for the new story.
C David Dent commented
This could be good if you "bork" a game with too many or the wrong players and want to start over with a smaller sub-set of players too.
Or if you want to close out a single story as "complete" and start a second story with the same characters...rather than a perpetual never-ending one.