My feedback
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695 votes
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9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
Hi, developers - Any movement on this? It's been 5 years, and still there is no search or Table of Contents function to be able to search through longer stories! It would be especially helpful for games that have been going a long time to be able to search through a table of contents for continuity points.
Elzibub supported this idea ·
130 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
Hi, This was marked as "Planned" in 2014. Any movement on this? It's been 5 years, and still there is no search or Table of Contents function to be able to search through longer stories! It would be especially helpful for games that have been going a long time to be able to search through a table of contents for continuity points.
Elzibub supported this idea ·
21 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
25 votes
Thanks for the feedback! I understand where you’re coming from. We’ll noodle on this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
This should move up in the list to review, especially now that we're live. :D Being able to edit & have the comment box expand while typing would eliminate a lot of headaches!
Elzibub supported this idea ·
55 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
This would be fantastic for our game, too. We're writing a Buffy-style game, so our current game is Episode 1. I'd like to be able to move the characters to the second game/story as Episode 2, with all the current cards, goals, etc, without having to recreate them. Would also be great to be able to carry over any locations or things like that as well, but I suppose that part at least could be done through cloning. Being able to advance the same characters would be AMAZING!
244 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
This would be great for stories like ours where we are playing a Buffy the Vampire Slayer style game, so that we could have each story be an episode, rather than one giant run on game. I like the idea of the title of the story being the title of the episode, to remind players of which part of the story arc it fits into.
With being able to export the characters to the new game if the game successfully completes, everyone can move onto the next episode with all of their character progress.
I like the idea that someone else mentioned about the narrator being able to reapprove the characters and take away any unnecessary artifacts that may no longer matter to the new episode.
Elzibub supported this idea ·
26 votes
11 votes
Thanks for the feedback! Features like what you describe are coming soon, we just couldn’t get them done in time for the initial launch.
12 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
27 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
175 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
78 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
Allow narrator or another player to take over inactive characters as player characters after 2 weeks
26 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
I want to specify, this would be a method of last resort after trying to make contact with the missing player & only be an option, not an automatic occurrence.
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
We basically did a similar work around and I eventually retired the original character after 3 weeks.
If people go on vacation and tell their narrator, that's great. I would expect a decent narrator (and human being) to accept that and make accommodations, like getting permission to write in detail in the character's stead or having them sit out that part of the story in some way so their part of the story line will be put on hold, to pick back up 'as is' when they return, if that's even possible. It's understandable that work or life might get busy and especially if you are in a game that goes at a quick pace, it would be considerate for the player needing to go on hiatus to let the narrator and other players know in the comments that you want to keep playing, but give them an idea when you might be able to write again. Just wanting common decency here, nothing ridiculous. If the game was set up with 'no expectations' on how often people play, that's one thing - just let it go and don't worry about the game until somebody logs in. But if you are at 'normal', which is 2-3 scenes a week or even more frequently, it's just really rude not to let everyone else know what's going on. And of course there are major life events, etc., which is why *players* have the option of retiring the characters themselves, if they know they can't return and the narrator already has the ability to retire the character.
But just not saying anything (if you are capable) and never playing again is extremely rude. Tell somebody! If you miss a D&D session, the GM has to do some sort of work around for what's going on with the character. If you're in a table-top group, you have to let your GM know what's going on if you're going to miss playing. If you drop out of a game, your GM will likely have someone else play your character or kill him/her off or write them out of the story. Same deal.
I get why you say Storium might not want to do that, @September. Some people might abuse it. I guess I just expect common decency from players to tell their narrators if they will be away for an extended period of time. If they are no call, no show for a reasonable amount of time, as with work, they get fired. 2-3 weeks is a reasonable window if there has been no contact from the player whatsoever. And I'd much rather be able to continue to utilize a character or give someone else the opportunity to enjoy playing than just kill them off.
@Bookwyrm - if the person was so concerned with how much time they spent making the character, then they should be considerate to the rest of the group and understand that games shouldn't be put on hold for a month just because someone can't bother to log in and say "sorry, I'll be on vacation with no access to internet" and make other arrangements. I do like the idea that as a player, you could voluntarily turn your character over to someone else or the narrator to play if you know you can't ever come back or won't be back for more than 2 weeks. That actually might be the best compromise, if the players are respectful enough to let everyone else know what is going on.
I've narrated one game and been in another where the person just basically stopped posting entirely & it was very annoying, especially if your character was closely tied to the character whose player went MIA. We tagged them in the comments and poked them to try to remind them. The one in my game that I knew I emailed. There was much effort in both games to try to contact the player. I've heard that MANY narrators/games have had this problem. I wouldn't be so hard-assed if this were in person and I could just call the person or write to them on Facebook or something, but considering so many of these games are started open invite all over the world and I have no context for the person's (lack of) actions, I'm less forgiving if they can't just simply post. "Sorry, I'm really busy right now. Please play (or bench) my character for x amount of time (or) I will post in a few days." Doesn't have to be a long explanation. But I don't buy someone being torn up over their character being appropriated if they weren't concerned about what happened to the game when they went MIA. If they are, they're being selfish. This is a *collaborative* effort. Even more heinous - if they stop writing for a particular game and don't let anyone know, but CONTINUE TO PLAY IN OTHER GAMES. Don't even get me started on that topic. :D
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
It would be nice, though, if players were able to bring a character out of retirement (with permission of the narrator), if they suddenly become able to play again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Elzibub commented
You do have the ability to retire your own character if you need to stop playing. This is for when someone disappears, doesn't tell anyone & doesn't retire their character.
Elzibub shared this idea ·
323 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
111 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
145 votes
Elzibub supported this idea ·
496 votes
We’re going to experiment with this idea during Gamma, along with some related concepts. Thanks for the feedback!
Elzibub supported this idea ·
Hi, This was marked as "Planned" in 2014. Any movement on this? It's been 5 years, and still there is no search function, either when looking for games or within the games themselves! I've been with Storium since the Kickstarter and am *really* surprised the search functions are not better yet. I would have thought that would be a higher priority in order to keep the platform growing.