Ability to search games, users, and worlds
A way to search the existing games more efficiently than going down the list 5-10 at a time would be a great idea. Some of the games featured in the Kickstarter info, I'd like to check out.

Elzibub commented
Hi, This was marked as "Planned" in 2014. Any movement on this? It's been 5 years, and still there is no search function, either when looking for games or within the games themselves! I've been with Storium since the Kickstarter and am *really* surprised the search functions are not better yet. I would have thought that would be a higher priority in order to keep the platform growing.
JC Tennor commented
I agree with much of what has been said. It's very sad when you "lose" a game because you can't find it in the 'recent' or 'completed' tab. I think this feature would help users find genres they are interested in reading.
Angel Ludwig commented
Search parameters should be: Speed of Play, Genre, Host, Player, World, Status, Activity (how long since last post)
Anonymous commented
TBH, I haven't played in over a year because I've been waiting for this feature. This should have been one of the first things implemented, IMHO. I'm more than a bit upset that I paid for this and haven't been able to use it effectively from the start because of this.
There desperately needs to be some combination of tagging and searching systems for worlds, themes, players, titles, etc.
Meurlorg commented
it might be because the game has come to play, and that removes it from the list but being able to narrow it down to specific just makes it more convenient to the players, which is usually a good thing
Anonymous commented
I've scrolled through the games page before and not been able to find a story that caught my eye earlier, even though I can remember the gist of what it was about. It would be nice to easily find that again!
Anonymous commented
Yep, this is a feature that Storium desperately needs. I was thinking about joining this one story I found (or at least follow it), but my wifi was out for a few hours and I forgot to favorite it... I could no longer find this story as it was in the recent activity section. I have a vague of idea of what it was called, but I can't look it up because no search bar '_' pretty upset about that lol
Cuilen commented
I think it would be helpful if you had a browse option for all public games by name.
I just (unsucccessfully) browsed for a game for which all knew was the name - it wasn't featured, I don't know how many stars it has, it's not newly started, I don't know when the most recent activity was or even if it is completed, and apparently, it's not looking for players...so, I didn't even know what list to try to find it on. *sigh*
VoxDePulvis commented
Absolutely fourthing/whatever-ing the need to search by game speed!
S.L. Surovec commented
Yes, please! I just joined and I have no idea where to even start! There are so many worlds that look interesting, but I may have a very specific type of story I'd like to join, and being able to search (through a tagging feature, for example) would be incredibly helpful. I'm not going to waste time going page by page to find something. It's extremely frustrating. I might give up looking ten pages in, and waste a good deal of time starting my own story in a similar setting instead, whereas I could have just joined one already looking for players.
I also like Elfwreck's suggestion of having an active player / character database that is searchable, for those of us who would like to start a story, but want to make it player / character-centric.
Elfwreck commented
Very much agree. If nothing else, filtering by starting gameworld would help a lot of people find the games they'd like.
Rating players can be very problematic, but having a listing of players who agree to be searchable/contactable would be terrific. It would be great if you had to submit your name to the list, and renew it every few months (three? six? a year?) so that there's an easily-identifiable list of active, willing-to-be-social players; narrators would be able to develop games based on players currently available.
Anonymous commented
I'd love to see the ability to search by world, starter world, genre, keyword, etc.
Especially when looking for a game, it can be hard to find one in a genre that is interesting, even if there are some open, and it becomes worse if they aren't on the front page. Being able to sort by Keyword, genre, etc. would make it so much easier to find the right fit.
Stella commented
I agree with most of what Steve said. I'm a little worried about the "this is a good player" aspect though since a: that's pretty subjective, b: new players would look the same as bad players, which might make a barrier to entry.
LKDragon commented
I believe Steve Boardman hit most, if not all, of the points. In particular, I'd like a filtering system to include pace of the game (Fast/Normal/Slow) and ideal player count (sometimes you want a large group, sometimes a smaller group).
I also feel like some sort of tracking system would be nice, particularly for Narrators that thrill and stimulate their Players. Narrating can be a tough job, and I feel that people should have a pat on the back and an endorsement for a job well done.
Jonathan Lawn commented
Note to "Anonymous commented · May 22, 2014 5:51 AM" though. You can already click on the narrator name to get to their profile, and that list their other games.
Jonathan Lawn commented
I agree. A way to search through the games is probably the only thing I'd say was really missing from the site: to find games to join, to find games to follow (or read once they are complete) and to check for similar games to one you are planning.
Genre and status (forming, in progress, abandoned or complete) are the most important, plus some of the options you already have in Browse, but tags and a full text search or the story would be great too (though perhaps google can provide the latter).
Anonymous commented
Thank you, Cuchulain, that was highly useful information. I found the other game and learned what I needed.
Anonymous commented
I'm playing in a cloned game and our narrator has disappeared. It would be nice to be able to go look at the other game group playing the same game and see if she has gone dark there too.
Jen commented
Have been really wanting a "genre" filter for searching. I think "tags" for the narrator to set would be nice to search by as well.
Cuchulain Coker commented
agree. at the moment you can go directly to a game by, in to the browser, typing https://storium.com/game/game-name-with-dashes-for-spaces. and you can join a game (if open) by typing https://storium.com/character/in/game-name-with-dashes-for-spaces/create.