Give Narrator full edit control always
Sometimes mistakes happen, retcons need to be applied. Please give the narrator the ability to edit everything in the story at any time. Hopefully experienced players will rarely need it, but even the best players make mistakes.

LucyPenrose commented
Yes please! See also:
I think the narrator/host should have the most control, especially when the license is set to Host License.
Pantakan Ploypradab commented
Edit Points and Outcomes too.
Anonymous commented
Especially for things like simple name or spelling mistakes.
Laurelle Hafen commented
Can this be an OPTIONAL feature? Perhaps there could be a "let the Narrator edit my content" box that can be checked or unchecked by each player in each game? Or simply don't implement this at all, because much as I'd like to live in a world where Narrators are always trustworthy, that just isn't this world. I'm not interested in a site where I don't have control over my own posted content, or a game where any old action can be assigned to my character without my consent or input.
Stephanie commented
I'm starting my first game as narrator and my first player (who bless his heart just cannot care about spelling accuracy and is a good friend of mine) has riddled his cards and his character with typos.
I can't expect him to fix them all, and I wouldn't want him to, but the knowledge that I am going to see these happening time and time again throughout the game and not be able to do anything to fix that ...
I'd love to see either a narrator given full edit control (in an ideal world, as I assume players trust their narrator) with an expectation that they're not going to abuse it, or a player, upon signup, be permitted to give permission to the narrator to have full control of their posts, or at least the ability for anybody to submit suggested amends to posts and the author be able to tick a box to say "I approve this edit"
Whatever one's opinion as regards narrator-authority, I'm sure everybody, players and narrators alike, want to be able to create a story that is beautiful in both content and quality.
Jon Smejkal commented
I agree with Meg in that being able to simply edit punctuation and tense for readability and pacing would be a boon!
Rob Alexander commented
D. Woods is wrong to say that the Narrator is necessarily "The Narrator is the Game Master, Administrator, Rules Arbiter, Judge, Jury" - they can be, but that's not the only way Storium can work, and it's not the way I'd like to see the culture go. I don't like that hugely skewed distribution of power in face-to-face rpgs, and there's no need for it in Storium.
Meg commented
Agreed! I'm an English teacher by day, Storium narrator by...well, pretty much all the time, really. My player characters are awesome, truly, but we ALL make mistakes (myself included). I'd love the ability to go in and edit a post for typos/grammar/spelling/usage mistakes, WITHOUT changing the content of the post itself. Otherwise, I look like the grammar police when I ask for a lot of revisions to correct simple problems.
Truman commented
I agree that the Narrator needs ultimate power. The best ones with the best players will barely need it, but there is always potential for mistakes and learning curves. There are also O.C.D. folks like me who almost literally *need* to be able to correct spelling and grammar problems I identify!
Three Votes!
C David Dent commented
There should be a moratorium on edits at some point. Perhaps when the scene is ended. In combination with a Narrator Pause button this would be the most useful other feature I'd like to see.
Raening commented
Would be good, and would allow for stories in the style of "killer breakfast". Maybe make it an option when creating a story?
Mischa Krilov commented
It would be nice to allow edits by the narrator, perhaps with a version history so players can review changes.
D. Woods commented
I agree with this. Retcons are the biggest problems, along with spelling mistakes/bad autocorrects (even after an Edit). The Narrator is the Game Master, Administrator, Rules Arbiter, Judge, Jury, Executioner and all around world creator - so why not allow unlimited edits to the Narrator while the game is being run?