Parallel scenes, each w/ only specified characters
One scene at a time in monolithic procession, with the expectation that every character will interact, isn't working for us. As narrator I cut a scene too short but couldn't go back; I want to run two at once, i want to interleave two scenes, all currently impossible.

We will soon be adding the ability for the narrator to explicitly specify which characters are in a given scene. Would that help a bit?
Meanwhile, you can visually segment the action in a scene by using a horizontal rule (“-” in our layout syntax). Note also that the system does not require that players make a move in every scene. So you can ask someone to “sit this one out” and the scene will be able to progress just fine. Hopefully these techniques can get you un-stuck for the time being?
Regarding simultaneous scenes, we’ve received this suggestion from a couple of other users, too, and so we are thinking hard about how we could add it to Storium without making things difficult to use and understand. It’s high on our list so please stay tuned.
Thanks for the feedback!
MagicTurtle commented
Mr. Hood. Respectfully, I certainly hope you don't think that simply excluding players from a given scene is the same thing as running two scenes in parallel, as your response might imply - nor would it be anywhere near as useful.
The horizontal rule you speak of is so faint and tiny I can almost not see it. At least a way to tie a location to a card play would help players at-a-glance keep track of what post is happening where. I think I will make that a separate suggestion in fact.
LucyPenrose commented
Fabian Schneider commented
Lending my voice to this - would be great to have a better way to temporarily split the group.
Alexander Cherry commented
Still desperately waiting for this.
Alexander Cherry commented
This is exactly what I need.
Incomitatum commented
Three years and we still don't have a way to do this well?
Lillabet Fyre commented
Please implement this soon!
As someone who is running a fast-paced story where the players/characters are regularly going to divide up and work on simultaneous parts of the action in parallel to each other, having this functionality would be immense.
I'll also add the suggestion that when you do implement this, it should be possible for the narrator to designate which characters are part of the scene so those players can only act on their scene and only receive email notifications of their scene rather than having their email flooded by actions that they aren't part of!
Meurlorg commented
Why limit it to only two scene, why not any amount?
Mo commented
This is one of the top ten most supported requests on the feedback list and it's been almost two years since there was any word from the Storium crew on it. Has there been any further consideration? Where do things stand? The lack of ability to run parallel scenes continues to be a daily irritation on Storium and is resulting in a lot of the writing going on on Google Docs or in email in many of my games. It's only one small step from doing most of our writing elsewhere to choosing to host it elsewhere too...
Robert Mohr commented
Obviously this is already quite supported--just adding my own thoughts here too. I've actually seen the lack of this ability seriously hurt one game when doing separate scenes ended up taking quite a long time--a player or two got bored and left. Partially a problem with *how* it happened in this case (people slow-posted so it quite literally took months, for which I can't blame Storium itself!), but the fact remains that if we had been able to do simultaneous scenes the game might not have lost near as much momentum. This is absolutely something I'm hugely in favor of, for that reason and just for the expansion of storytelling ability.
Alexander Cherry commented
I am desperately needing simultaneous scenes.
Mark commented
One of my games have had quite a few parallel scenes, it would make so much more sense to be able to run them at the same time so there's not a waiting period between them.
Mo commented
Parallel scenes, please - Storium is only semi-functional without it!
FreeXenon commented
I would really like this! I would like to be able to have separate games for each player to introduce them to their character and to the game world to get them invested and then bring them all together. This will also help solidify the character and their background too.
Anonymous commented
Very glad to hear that this is a planned addition. I'm currently running a game where the characters are a very disparate group. As a result, they tend to have individual scenes where one player gets the spotlight and the others are left looking on. It'd be great to be able to let them all progress their own scenes at the same time!
Anonymous commented
That way you can have scenes featuring one of the group, while the rest can be audience for the meantime, til that scene ends.
Or better, allow multiple Scenes to be run.
Lillith Avalon commented
Ideally I could invite particular characters to a 'side-scene', say Chapter 1, Scene 1b that has its own entirely independent place & challenges, and then run multiple side scene's concurrently if I wish to. The side-scene should also be able to be kept temporarily or permanently private from the other players at the Narrator's discretion. If they weren't there, they wouldn't know what was going on after all.
Jonathan Lawn commented
I'm currently running a split scene and I think it works. If you want to keep the formal, screenplay style then
- allow a second location aftr showing a warning
- each continue had to select a location
- each location needs a narrator end
- every player move is now tagged with one location
- any player who has player who pkayed before the second loc was dexlared is in the first loc.
- Any other is asked on their first turn where they are.
- You could also allow the narrator to assign locationsa -
Wesley Obenshain commented
@Damien Manier Isn't that kind of the point? If Player A can place cards on Location B and Player B can place Cards on Location A, then there really in the same scene and there's no point. Sometimes I WANT my players to be in two different locations engaged in vastly different activities and this is exactly what a tabbed approach would allow for. It's like having a scene with one set of players and then a scene with a different set but instead both scenes can be accomplished at the same time, so no one has to wait on actions that don't affect them.
Otherwise, I don't see any point to adding additional mechanics. -
Shlee B. commented
I'm having this same problem-- times three. I've got three characters heading in three different directions, and now I have to decide who gets to play, and in what order. Being able to edit multiple scenes would be great-- that way, gameplay won't halt for the other two while one is playing. Making a General Setting for plays like this is also less than ideal.