Allow narrators to pick NPC characters for scenes without making them obstacles.
Narratively, I'd like to pick NPC characters that are currently in a scene and not have to make them all obstacles for the players. Perhaps I have three jungle explorers that I want my player to talk to, in order to get needed information. I'd like to be able to include all three NPC explorers as characters in the scene (with their pictures and such). But make the obstacle more general with a separate card.

blanc commented
I just use scene splashes with representations of the characters for this personally.
Meurlorg commented
does that mean you want to define a obstacle as being hostile or passive, so players have a idea how to interact but then again even if its define, who is to say no to a player who wants to murder, attack etc passive npc's
Joel commented
I think it'd be more interesting if the narrator had the option of *posting* as various NPCs... much like players can post as characters. Or even grant access to posting as NPCs to other players, so that they can play as multiple characters.
Tacronicus commented
Not sure how difficult it would be to code this in, but it would certainly add a great degree of richness and sophistication to an already great gaming concept. Please consider incorporating Jeff's recommendation.
Stella commented
I like Frederikk's idea:
It essentially allows both the current system and what you're proposing, but also adds interesting new mechanics to the game. -
Anonymous commented
Why is this not even under consideration? It seems with 663 votes they would look into this. It seems simple to me... of course the Narrator should have the option to play as many NPC cards as they want. If the NPC is not a "challenge" then why not be able to set the card to 0 and play it. Also, in some scenes perhaps it is just about writing the story, why not have scenes that can be set to 0 challenge points just because somebody wants to write a part of the story and not have some challenge met. Sometimes it is just about information or creating a backstory among friends, colleagues, etc. This limitation makes no sense to me at all.
John LeMay commented
Characters should be playable as elements of the setting, and not just antagonist challenges.
John LeMay commented
It might be better to rename the current NPCs "Antagonists" as a type of challenge and then allow for multiple characters by the narrator that can be included in the scene as well with their own inventory of assets that change over the course of the game.
Jon Smejkal commented
Being able to include NON-challenge PCs helps provide additional information about those in the scene without having to explicitly state that information in the narration.
"Captain Chase barks out the command, 'get that core realigned!'" works much better than, "Captain Chase, who built the engine from an Atlantean artifact that he stole from Duke Reginald, barks out the command, 'get that core realigned!'"I would also like this ability applied to assets as well. "Engine built from an Atlantean artifact" is useful information, but I doubt the players will need to remove it and take it with them.
Adam H-B commented
The ability to add cards at 0 Challenge Rating would make this possible, which also adds the additional functionality of making 0 CR obstacles that are present in the scene.
Currently, the alternative is to add in an asset that can be used to solve these challenges without actually making them challenges. For instance, if I want to include an NPC for players to make note of, I can make him a 1 Challenge Rating obstacle, and provide players with a "Dialogue" asset that they can use. Then, the neutral option for a scene that the narrator describes can be what they want to occur after a dialogue with a friendly party. So long as players understand not to use the Dialogue asset to solve challenges outside of these psuedo obstacles, things could be ok.
Tony commented
Just like Places, Characters are a part of the Scene. Having their picture card there (with its short synopsis) will help the players to keep track of the supporting cast.
Dan Dubinsky (くりむさん) commented
Obstacles should not be limited to NPCs and NPCs should not be limited to obstacles. I like the idea of support characters that the Narrator can use to help out PCs and a little more openness.
Wolf commented
Definitely, we need something like this. Even if it's tied to the sort of constraints that Storium deals with now (a limit in cards, challenge points, and whatnot), it should be more that possible to "attach" informational NPC cards to a scene in the same way that you'd "attach" place cards. Maybe a separate option for enemies, too?
Anonymous commented
This would support non-challenge scenes, too. What if a scene is just an opportunity to talk to an NPC?
michael woods commented
Basically, there needs to be a new option for Narrators. Continue Scene functions for setting up additional challenges but it would nice to have an 'NPC Talk' option. The Narrator clicks that link and a secondary menu opens allowing the Narrator to Choose an NPC, Create an NPC, or Edit an NPC. Once that's done a dialogue box opens. This text, when completed, essentially continues the scene but, additionally, it adds the NPC card to the header.
Just an idea.
Steve Boardman commented
I like the idea, it's set dressing and would add to the immersion. Another way to do it is to drop goal cards into the scene. I think it would be useful to be able to mark a goal card as non-wild card generating. This might solve the problem?
Best regards Steve -
C David Dent commented
@FrederickK the problem with letting people play cards on 0-challenge obstacles is that they can only play 3 cards. If the Narrator has assigned all of the challenges available in a scene then any cards they play on a 0-challenge obstacle means they cannot complete a non-0 obstacle.
FrederikK commented
I completely agree with this. Especially since imo it is annoyin how if you DO want to use them as obstacles, you then have to edit there description to add how they are an obstacle. I want a character description there, not how they are an obstacle. This would be my idea:
You can add Obstacles with 0 Challenge rating. These simply are descriptive cards of the environent, such as sub locations.
You can then play character cards on obstacles. Character cards can be helpfull, neutral or hostile. Helpfull and hostile characters basically count as a weak or strong outcome for that obstacles, meaning the players will have to spend more or less strong cards to get a strong outcome
Ken Livingston commented
C David Dent and I have the same idea. Awesome! :)
Ken Livingston commented
Maybe, instead of needing a card for NPCs, allow for 'hotlinking' cards to names in the story text. So, if I type "Jungle NPC 1" and there is a card for that name, then that name becomes a hot link which pops up that card.