Permit mutually-exclusive obstacles to allow greater player choice
Right now, all the players are, by default, on the same "side" in all conflicts. Allowing the Narrator to set mutually-exclusive obstacles will let players use Storium's mechanics to work at cross-purposes.
I know that a Narrator can set two Obstacles and end the scene manually when one is met. I think implementing this as a Narrator-side choice from the beginning will allow more dynamic stories.

Boyd.Crowder commented
One possible example of what Ben has suggested can be found here: <https://storium.use>
Tacronicus commented
Storium definitely needs some form of "Player vs. Player" mechanism. I heartily recommend that the Storium developers pursue this option along with other potential methods for facilitating player v. player or Faction vs. Faction gameplay.
Sean Riley commented
Excellent idea.
Jonathan Lawn commented
Like raphael I ask what challenges they want but it would formalise it if chalkenges were marked as optional.
Anonymous commented
This would also satisfy the "player vs player" request seen elsewhere.
FrederikK commented
The way I would do this is by being able to attach a poll to an obstacle. Eech card you play gives you one vote in the poll.
Raphael diSanto commented
I think (in this example) you could simply present the five informants in text, and when the detective has decided which two he or she wants to interrogate, then you play those two cards?
Haystack commented
I like this idea. I would also be in favor of eliminating the "challenge budget" entirely, so that players can be made to choose which challenges deserve their limited resources. For example, a detective has five informants, but only enough cards to interrogate two.
The_Shadow commented
I think this is a great idea. Some thought would have to be put into how the exclusive obstacles would affect the Narrators challenge 'budget', of course, but that's far from insuperable.