Introduce a 'users only' game visibility option!
With the public launch of Storium, games that were previously marked 'public' but were of course behind a login wall (because the whole site was users-only) are now public to everyone on the web.
I understand that the Storium team want as many games as possible to be live and visible so that the site is attractive.
However, those of us whose internet presence is on some level vulnerable - for example teachers, public figures and women - are left very exposed by this new level of visibility. This functionality makes it very difficult for us to protect ourselves without locking down our profiles, using pseudonyms, making all our games private and generally behaving in a way that is incredibly damaging to the fostering of trust, friendship and community spirit.
I don't want to insist on all my games going private. I'm happy for people to be able to log in and see my games. But I don't want them visible to any old rando on the internet. Apart from anything else even if I'M not writing any dubious content in a game I can't control what my fellow players are doing.
(A reasonable compromise, I think, would be making game descriptions only visible, and requiring login before they can be read (and preferably before their cast lists can be viewed). I think this would be satisfactory to those who, like myself, would like some minimum effort level before our writing can be read online.)

Narrators can now set a variety of privacy settings for their games.
Visibility: this determines who can view and read the game. By default Storium games are “public,” which means that anyone can read them. As host, you can choose for your game to instead be “private” so that only its participants can read it. You can also choose for your game to be public but for the commentary to be private. Finally, you can choose to make your game’s contents visible only to people who are logged into Storium, in which case the game’s name, banner, and description will remain publicly visible.
Sylvia Li commented
I agree with this suggestion and have supported it with 3 votes.
Moreover, the default setting should go back to 'logged-in users only'. Any other privacy status for a game's content should be opt-in. Whether wider or narrower, it needs to be a conscious choice by the host.
miri commented
I think this is a good idea, but I can't vote on it, because the system says (simultaneously, mind) that I have 6 votes left, but have run out of votes on this forum.
If I *could* vote for it, I would vote 3. :)
Theresa commented
This seems like an important functionality that we should have. In fact, I'm not sure how many people realise that this *isn't* how things work any more.