export function
sorry, this may be redundant but is there a function for exporting finished games/stories as pdf for archival purposes? I'm hosting a side-campaign of an original rp here, and this would be killer for our group - so that other members can catch up and for my personal reference as a dm.

Jaydek commented
This would be a great addition, especially if anything were to happen to the Storium site. I'd love to be able to safeguard all the hardwork in my games by exporting it. Any update on when this might be in the roadmap? Looks like it's been 'planned' since 2014?
Lillith Avalon commented
Any updates on this? Without this I can't see using Storium anymore at all. Too painful to pull the writing out for other purposes.
Leila Kirkwood commented
I am absolutely desperate for this function... it says planned as of May 2014. Any idea if and when it might actually happen?
Rob Ritchie commented
Something I'd love is if the raw text could be analyzed. I'd love to make a Word Cloud of some of my games, and there are many other analysis tools that can yield interesting results.
Why yes, I am a scientist, why do you ask?
Chris Connors commented
It would be nice to be able to print out the story I wrote with the other players and have it for myself in one nice format, like a pdf or something. Would just like to have a memento of the experience to share with family and friends :)
This could also have the character descriptions, etc.
Thanks, and keep up the tremendous work!
September commented
If we can save our writing and group stories offline,it permits us greater flexibility in working with our fictional world. It also offers another layer of protection from data loss. Also, someday Storium might close its doors. We would like the ability to save all our work so that we can treasure it in our old age.
September commented
If we can save our writing and group stories offline,it permits us greater flexibility in working with our fictional world. It also offers another layer of protection from data loss. Also, someday Storium might close its doors. We would like the ability to save all our work so that we can treasure it in our old age.
Tony commented
HUZZAH! It is planned!
Geoffrey Rabe commented
I agree with most of the comments here, and made my own on the page containing the suggestion AlwaysAPrice made. I strongly suggest checking out the link in his post and voting there, too.
Christopher Hall commented
I think this would be a great idea, I was coming here to suggest it and saw it was already here. But I had some additional thoughts.
What if the players and Storium were able to use this to make a small amount of money? For example, give the narrator the option once a story is done to "Make available as a paperback book." This would add it to a virtual book store. Then if somebody buys it, take the cost of publishing, mark it up by say.. 20%. Then give 10% to Storium (since they host it and it's where it was made, etc) and the other 10% could be divided among the players and narrator. That way if a group actually tells a great story that people want to buy, they can do so. Not only that, it will generate revenue for them, AND for Storium. It's a great incentive program to tell great stories I think.
Nayla Caruso commented
How about an export to LaTex option that retains the art and inserts cards as side bars? I would absolutely love to be able to take my games straight to Lulu or CreateSpace and I'd love to have some of the other games I've read, as well. Some of my players have said they'd love to have exported ebooks.
btrhoads commented
I revoted on the other thread.
btrhoads commented
It would be a real shame if we could not get some sort of document with the story contained within!
Ashlyn Ross commented
It would be really cool if once a game was finished if everyone involved agrees that they can make an ebook or even a printed one if they would like either through Create Space, Lulu, or Smashwords.
Raphael diSanto commented
This would be awesome. Remember, what we're basically creating here are novels with an ensemble cast of characters. Strip the mechanics away and export the prose only, and that's exactly what you have.
Anonymous commented
There's already a thread open on this idea here:
Anonymous commented
There's already a thread on this here:
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to be able to export a story (to PDF or similar).
Chris Meadows commented
I'd like to see the ability to export finished scenes or chapters as PDFs, and possibly as other forms of file too, like some kind of simplified HTML format for posting into blogs/livejournals. It would be nice to be able to share these stories more easily with other people.
AlwaysAPrice commented
Would really like to see this, and would pair well with a suggestion I tossed up: https://storium.uservoice.com/forums/211322-general/suggestions/5799473-add-an-editor-mode-for-post-production