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  1. Scene specific cards

    I have bumped into many scenes I have created that are namely required for that specific scene. Maybe creating a type of card that is scene specific, or an ability to make cards specific to a scene would allow narrators from worrying about a card coming back that shouldn't come back at a time it shouldn't be there.

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  2. scene change

    The control to move to the next scene needs to be a lot more visible.

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  3. Change how Strength/Weakness Cards are shown on Challenges

    In my current game, we have a challenge with six open slots. Three Weakness cards have already been played, and I followed by playing a Strength card. My issue is that the display next to the challenge shows that as four yellow pips, which seems misleading to other players. The game also told me I'd pushed toward a Weak Outcome, which is exactly the opposite of what I was doing.

    At least until a challenge is completed, I think it would be more informative to show the colors of the cards currently in play. Also, I think the game should…

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  4. Allow narrators to play more challenges than the players can tackle

    I was looking to use some challenges for the PCs, more than they could actually tackle in a scene, to give them a choice on what type of path they found interesting to follow. There were several factions, for instance, and the way they played cards would show how they decided to draw their attention.

    I could see it being a problem for narrators looking to screw over their players, but it could be an interesting tool to allow narrators who want to give a bit of sandbox to their players.

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  5. Formatting Should Carry Over to Email

    I'm noticing that when I get an email with a character's move, that the formatting on the site is being expressed as ''s and '*'s instead of the correct italicization and bolding.

    It would be good if the italicized text showed up as being italicized instead of the asterisks.

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  6. Text colors

    By being able to use different colored text, it is possible to assign each character a different color, allowing for one person to post multiple people talking without having to list their names every single time. Makes it very easy to follow conversations that way in a story.

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  7. variable challenge difficulty

    Have an option that requires multiple strong cards or weak cards to "win" or "lose" a challenge. That would require players to work harder toward taking control of pivotal or climactic scenes.

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  8. Advertisment for free to play, and no ads for pay to play?

    I'm not sure why you decided to go along with pay to play, but this will limit some users that are very eager to join. I know you need the money to support the site and game but it's a bummer as well.
    Personally i don't mind ad's at this point.

    However i love the game and my friends really enjoy the concept. This also not only has exercised writing skills but my reading as well. I'm usually a lazy reader but this has gotten me very excited and has remotivated me to read. Keep up the good work.

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  9. make world banners on "Start a new game" page smaller

    Given how many worlds were unlocked during the Kickstarter, it might be a good idea to make the banners on the "start a new game" and probably the games being played/narrated pages smaller to accommodate the number of worlds available to choose from. Maybe 3 columns wide instead of two. This suggestion doesn't affect the banner width on the actual storium game page.

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  10. Skip to latest comment/move button

    Right now just above the scene text there are arrow buttons to go to prior scene or go to beginning. Can you add two buttons at the top of the scene for "go down to latest move" and "go down to latest comment"? It takes a lot of swipes on my phone to do it manually.

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  11. Allowed to make character sheets

    To help the narrator keep track of character they make in the game and for the players to monitor how their characters grow and develop.

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  12. Allow real names to be disabled in email updates.

    When viewing recent activity on Storium, the action is properly listed as belonging to the player's username. However, on all email updates, the email subject gives the player's real first name, unless they have chosen to keep it private. This destroys the sense of immersion and makes it harder to regard the players by their characters instead of their RL identitiess. I don't want to be distracted by the real-life name of another player while playing an obline game! Either make it possible to display the username instead as you do for the recent acti vity feed on storia,com, or…

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  13. Sort Favorites

    It would be great to have the option of sorting notifications from your favorites by game, so you don't have to dig through pages of notifications when you miss a few days of action.

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  14. Give instructions on the rules of improv

    Add something to the "how to play" instruction that talks about the rules of improv, specifically advice to use "Yes! And..." in each move. This will encourage players not to negate scenes others have set up and it will also reduce the number of moves that are really just empty moves where nothing happens in the story other than a card gets played.

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  15. Perminent Item Card

    Be able to create an item card that works similar to a background card. It will refresh every scene, but not be destroyed. Like a sword, using it once doesn't make it go away forever, and using it later down the line makes sense.

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  16. Secret Challenge Outcomes

    I'm running a mystery and I have definitely hit a sour point. I want to create a challenge that ends (Strong or Weak) with the players finding a clue. However, I don't want them to know the clue until they find it.

    I tried to work around it: In my Outcomes I said "You will find the clue, and/but..." (the rest being the Strong or Weak outcome). Then a player resolved the challenge with a Strong outcome, and was unable to narrate the scene correctly because he didn't know what the clue was that he found. He assumed it pointed…

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  17. Change goals to personal Challenges

    I've found, so far, that it often doesn't make sense to play Goal cards on Challenges. Instead, I think Goals should work more like personal Challenges - that is, you can play strengths, weaknesses, assets, and subplots on them.

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  18. More prominently display games "Looking for players"

    I had a hard time finding the link to browse through games marked "Looking for players".

    On the home/root page, after I logged in, there is a prominantly displayed button that says, "Browse", but the link takes me to the default "Featured" Filter.

    I am embarrassed to admit that it was not immediately obvious to me that I needed to click another link (the one leading to the "Looking for players" filter) to get to the results I wanted.

    Perhaps a new styling of those filter links on the /games page?

    Perhaps a few more links on the home page…

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  19. Embed stories read-only on other sites.

    I'd love a way to embed the stories as a read-only format on other sites like my blog!

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  20. Allow players to address multiple challenges in one move.

    Often a player will wish to address two challenges in short succession, or even perform a single action that furthers two challenges at once. For this reason players should be able to address two or more challenges in one move.

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